Chapter 1

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Josie's POV

Beeep. Beeep.

I roll ever groggily as my obnoxious alarm goes off for about the 100th time this morning, that's an exaggeration but I swear it totally feels like that!

I turn my head to the left to look at the time meanwhile my eyes try to droop closed once again not wanting to function. My alarm reads 7:00 am.

May I just say, this hour is much too early to get up.

I lay back and stare at the ceiling of my bedroom and remember I have an interview to get to this morning.

Oh how fun, working life reality- having to actually get up and go to a job.

After having a mental argument with myself about whether or not to actually get up this morning in order to be productive, I come up with the decision that the smart choice would be to get up and go get this job. Swinging my legs over the side of my bed, I let out a yawn and stretch my muscles before shuffling my feet to the bathroom.

I splash cold water on my face readily as I start my daily routine with washing my face.

I take a shower and slip into a floral dress that reaches to my knee and pick out some matching black heels. As they say, got to dress to impress.

After getting dressed,  I tame my head of long auburn hair by blow-drying as well and setting it in soft curls that fall below my shoulder, right where I like it.

I brush my eyelashes with a coat of blackest black mascara, apply a layer of lip gloss and put on my heels and finally stand back to admire my look in the reflection of the bathroom mirror.

Checking the time, my annoying alarm clock reads: 7:45 am.

I head downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bite, as well as much needed steaming morning brew, before heading out to my dreaded interview.

While its cooling down I check on my roommates Natalie and Evelyn, who are sleeping peacefully in their rooms. After breakfast I leave a note on the counter for the girls:
Hey girls, it's Josie, I've already left for my interview at Joleson Enterprises. I will be home for dinner later, going to do some shopping after my interview! Love ya girls,
Xoxo Josie.

I grab my purse, phone and jacket before leaving and getting into my old worn-out red car and heading to Joleson Enterprises. After about 20 minutes, I reach my destination of Joleson Enterprises and park my car in the lot.

I head to the reception desk.

"Hello, good morning ma'am, how may I help you?" The lady behind the desk asks.

"I'm here for an interview with Mr. Joleson." I reply, my palms are sweating like I'm in the Sahara dessert, sure hope it isn't noticeable.

"You can take the elevator up to the 10th floor and his office is the fifth door on your left."

"Alright thanks!" I answer and walk away. I get into the elevator and go up to the 10th floor.

The elevator beeps and comes to a halting stop, almost making me lose my balance, my body language sure isn't on my side today for this interview.

The elevator beeps as the doors open and a tall, very attractive guy about 6'0 in height gets in.

He steps into the elevator within two strides and leans against the back wall of the elevator beside me. Out of the corner of my eyes I can see him run a large hand through his dark hair.

"My my my, are you ever stunning."

I turn to look at him to find his eyes going up and down, letting me know his intentions. He sends me an intended smirk.

I know guys like his kind, they always seem like their no good.

Studying his features he appears to be in his early twenties and wears a black suit with black dress shoes and a fancy wristwatch, which is obviously to show off how much money he has.

"Thank you." I reply.

"Call me Mark." The guy says and holds out his hand for me to shake. I accept his hand and shake it.

"Are you busy on Friday night?" He asks, and throws me a genuine smile, showing off his perfectly white teeth.

"No I'm not actually." I respond, let's see where this goes, maybe he's not so bad after all.

"Alright then, I'm taking you out on a date on Friday night. Here's my card so you can text me your address." Mark says and hands me his business card.

The elevator doors open and he steps out of the elevator.

After he gets out, my heart feels like it's going to burst in my chest, I just got here, coming here for a job and got asked out. My mind wanders in it's own little daydream of how this date could go. Once I snap back to reality and remember I'm here for an interview.

And that interview is in a couple of minutes on the 10th floor while I'm still on the second. What is wrong with me?

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