Chapter 5

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Josie's POV:

My dreaded alarm begins making its horrible sounds at 6:30 am. I roll over in my warm bed and rub my eyes, getting the sleep out of them.

Do I really need a job? I mean like my bed is warm and I don't want to get up.

After about five minutes and procrastinating I get up and head into the shower. As the water runs over my body, soothing my tired state, my mind runs over the fact that I have a date on Friday night with a stranger and I'm now working for a guy I once liked. Thank god im over him, don't need anymore drama or men. I'm a strong, independent woman who can take care of herself. I just hope Brandon grew up and changed from who he was back then.

At least I'm only working for him and not dating him, so if he's too much to handle I can quit.

As my mind snaps out of my thoughts, I remember I have a job to get to and quickly turn off the shower, towel off and get dressed.

I decide to wear a pink dress that reaches to my mid thigh that has lace sleeves along with a silver chain with a heart pendant. Curling my hair once again and adding some mascara and baby pink lipstick, I'm ready for my first day at Joleson Enterprises.
I go downstairs and read on the clock in the kitchen that it's 7:30 am. I have one hour until I start work. Since I'm not really hungry I leave early for work.
I drive to Joleson Enterprises and walk inside and spot Mark in the lobby. He looks up from his phone at me and smiles.
"Hey sweetheart." His smile greets me warmly.
"Hi, how are you ? Is that my nickname now?" I ask him laughing.
"Yes it is my love." He says standing up and walking towards me.

"So are you busy at the moment?" Mark asks with a little smirk.

"Well I'm about to head upstairs to start my new job." I answer.

"And what's your new job?" His eye brows furrow a little in curiosity.

"Mr Joleson's assistant."

"Oh, lucky you." He sucks in some air, gritting his teeth.

"Why, is he bad to work for or something?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously.

"I'll just say that him and I are not fond of each other. Do you know who I am?"

"No, who are you?" I shake my head a little and furrow my eyebrows at him.

"My name is Marcus Briggs. CEO of Briggs Corp."

I can feel my eyes go wide and my jaw drop. He's been in the media so much, how did I not recognize him.

"Oh my, I apologize I didn't recognize you." Still shocked by this information.

"It's honestly refreshing to have someone not know me and get to see someone's reaction to finding out who I am." Marks mouth curves into a smirk.

I hear someone behind me clear their throat.

My head snaps back to find my boss not looking very happy whatsoever. Shit.
Brandon death glares at Mark.

"What are you looking at?" Mark sneers.

"Get out of my building Briggs." Brandon continues glaring at Mark as his hands clench his briefcase tighter.

"Josie, I'll show you to your office." Brandon declares as the elevator opens.

"Bye I gotta go Mark." Excusing myself as I walk away from the Mark Briggs himself and head over to the elevator to join my new boss.

As I step in, the elevator closes.

Brandon turns to me, "how do you know Mark?" He looks very curious awaiting my answer.

"I met him yesterday and he asked me out." I answer simply, what kind of an answer is he looking for anyway?

"And did you agree to going out with him?" His eyebrow raises as he speaks.

Deciding I don't want to share everything about my personal life with him, I play with his emotions a little.

"That's for me to know, that isn't part of my job description as something I have to share with you."

I look at his face slightly to see his reaction and it's priceless. He looks taken back by my answer, guess everyone just tells him anything he wants to know. But I'm different, he will have to try harder to find out about my personal life than that.

Brandon masks his surprise quickly as the elevator sings and we step out and walk down the hall for him to show me around.

I can't believe I know two billionaires now in two days! That's crazy how things can change so quickly.

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