Chapter 39

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Brandon's POV

Over the last while I've been focusing on work and thinking about Josie. I want to be with her but I don't know how. I've come to realize I'm only interested in her, other girls are pretty but she's simply stunning.

She doesn't seem like the type to be wooed by money unlike my past experience.

Since Josie came back to work at my company, she's been different. I'm curious to know what happened with her and Mark but I don't want to push my limits.

I sit back in my chair and put my feet up on my desk, trying to rationally come up with a way to ask Josie on a date and hopefully get her to accept.

I thought hiring Zak would be great but he's been flirting with Josie so much and I hate it like can't he at least make it discrete.

She walks in wearing these sexy outfits, she doesn't realize the effect they give off and Zak takes advantage of the view and she's fine with it but I'm surely not.

Time to make her mine.


I open the door to my office and call out for her.


"She's in the copy room." Zak answers, of course he knows where she is. I roll my eyes and walk away.

I walk into the copy room and see her holding a folder of papers.

"Oh Mr. Joleson I have the papers for you, sorry it took so long." She hands me the folder and tries to walk away but I grab her wrist and turn her around.

"Mr Joleson-" Josie goes to protest but I cut her off.

"Call me Brandon." I more like demand then say.

"I wanted to apologize for how I acted before but I really like you and I'd love to take you on a date and show you what you mean to me." I say honestly looking into her beautiful eyes.

"Brandon we have history I don't want to get into that again it hurt me a lot the first time how do I know you won't do that again? You may be rich but that doesn't mean you can get everything you want, I'm not an object, prove it it to me and maybe just maybe I'll consider going out with you."

She takes her wrist out of my grip and walks away.


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