Chapter 56

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Brandon's POV

I'm in a meeting with some foreign investors when my phone starts to ring. This is an important deal so I ignore it figuring it's probably Reese or something calling to annoy me.

Two hours later, the foreign investors finally decide to sign the deal we proposed. I can't wait to tell Josie, it's great for the future for her, our baby and I. I leave the meeting room and go to my office. Checking my phone, I realize the number that called is from the hospital. As I'm about to put down my phone, it rings again. This time I answer it to a very worried doctor.

"Hello Mr. Joleson?" The doctor asks.

"Yes, speaking."

"You're Josie Reid's boyfriend correct?"


"I'm doctor Jenkins, I'm sorry to tell you but your girlfriend is in critical condition, she was in a car accident." At that second, it felt like time stopped. The doctor said something else but I didn't comprehend it.

"I'm very sorry sir."

"What?" I ask to clarify what I missed.

"About the baby."

"What about the baby?" No the baby, our unborn child.

"Your girlfriend had a miscarriage sir." Those words were too much. Josie is in critical condition and our child passed away.

"I'll be right there." I end the call and get up, leaving the office and driving as fast as I can to the hospital. When I get there all I can think about is seeing Josie and comforting her.

I go up to the front desk and demand to know her room, the lady stutters and I leave to find it myself. As I'm walking down the bare hall, multiple doctors rush by with a girl who's bleeding and looks badly beaten up. When they pass me, I realize that girl is Josie. They wheel her into the OR.

"Mr Jolsen?" A doctor asks coming up to me.

"Your girlfriend is going into immediate surgery, she's lost a lot of blood and is unconscious."

"Is she going to survive?" I mutter, I really hope for him to say yes but I have a bad feeling.

"I'm sorry sir but its unlikely, the surgery could stop her heart, we will do all we can though."

The doctor leaves back to the room that the surgery is being performed in. All I can think about is losing Josie, I love her so much and we have so much history and what if it all ends in the snap of a finger. I watch from the window as they start to perform the surgery. Looking up the heart monitor starts to decrease.

I see the doctors mouth something to each other and they take out electric shock pads to pump her heart. Josie please don't die on me.

A doctor presses on her chest with the pads but her heart rate continues to decrease. Please Josie baby fight. It beeps like crazy and a doctor exits the room.

"Mr. Joleson, she's been declared medically dead."

"Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask, getting very angry.

"Her heart stopped, the doctors are going to try reviving her once more, there's a sliver of hope but don't push your luck its unlikely." The doctor walks away like its nothing while I lean against the wall and slide down it. I feel something wet on my cheek and realizing I'm crying. Yes Brandon Joleson cries sometimes and this is one of them.

I can't lose her, we're supposed to have a family together. The baby died, what if we can't have a child, if she doesn't live I'll be ruined, I love her and want to spend the rest of my life with her. I'm going to make whoever did this to her suffer painfully, no one hurts whats mine.

A voice is heard beside me but I'm in no state to pay attention with a clear mind.

"Sir, sir."

"Mr Joleson."


"What?! What's so fucking important that you need to call my name repeatedly when I'm trying to have a moment in my own person space?" I yell at whoever was calling me. I look up to find Dr Jenkins.

"Sir I came to tell you that your girlfriend survived, she's stable but she's in a coma and its likely to remain that way for a while. You can go in and see her if you would like." The doctor leaves and I remain in the same spot for what feels like hours, processing what she said.

Josie's alive, she made it, but she's in a coma so she can't speak or laugh, maybe only hear, if that. Well then I'll make it my goal to get her to wake up and shower her with gifts so she feels like the happiest girl in the world when she wakes up.

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