Chapter 31

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Josie's POV

After we take a seat at one of the lovely banquet tables as the announcer begins. The tables are decorated with white cloth and rose bouquets. And candles that light up the area, perfectly adding to the luminous glow in the room.

Mark pulls out a chair for me and I sit down as he proceeds to sitting beside me. At the table there's various other well dressed people in suits and dresses, guess I'm marrying into a world of the rich and elite, this will definitely take some getting used to.

Mark leans down beside me to my ear and whispers, "I'm the boss, hope you like the surprise." Well now that seems to add up for sure but I'm curious why his staff is so secretive like what is part of some weird gang or clan or something, I mean I'm sure he would tell me if he was right? Like he's the boss of a company so maybe that's where they get the name from.

As I'm in my thoughts, I shake my head back to reality when a hot, steaming plate of delicious salmon, rice and vegetables is placed in front of me.

"Excuse me ma'am, would you like some champagne?" A waiter asks from beside me. The waiter is a young guy with blonde hair and blue eyes with a beautiful smile.

"No thank you water is fine." I smile at him.
He's about to turn away as mark stops him.

"That's my fiancé she will have some." Mark says sternly.

"Mark I'm fi-." I try to protest but to no avail.

"Josie it's our engagement you have to celebrate unless you're a child you're having a glass of champagne which you're not." I look into his eyes and decide to just accept the champagne.

As we eat our food, the announcer talks about the engagement. I feel happy but overwhelmed at the same time it's like I'm in a room full of royalty and I don't know all the rules.

As the evening goes on, the people around the table talk business matters with Mark, most of which I don't really care about or understand. A lot of the women look like trophy wives, in my opinion but that is part of the rich and elite. Maybe one day I'll be one of them, although I'd rather be successful alongside my husband, have a family together and be happy. But to be happy I'll have to accept my husbands lifestyle because it's his job and makes him happy to live luxuriously.

This elite world will definitely be a life changer for me, just have to take it one step at a time.

"Would you like to dance?" I hear someone say from beside me, knowing me out of my trance. I turn my head to the left to see my fiancé holding out his hand for me.

"I'd love to." I smile. I stand up, and almost trip as a turn towards Mark. He catches me, gracefully, saving me from my embarrassment.

"You really are falling for me, aren't you?" He smirks, his signature smirk, leaving me feeling flustered with red cheeks.

"It's my secret, I can't tell." I bite my lip.

Mark pulls me, flush against him so there's no space between us, before leaning down and whispering in my ear, "id stop that if I were you, unless you want me to take you right here." I feel my face start to burn from blushing so hard.

"Let's d-dance." I stutter. Wow, great control, self.

I lay my head against his chest as we sway to the music. We dance to a few songs and eventually go back to our table for dessert.

After dessert, I excuse myself to the ladies bathroom, not expecting what was about to come at all...

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