Chapter 55

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Josie's POV

3 months later...

"Babe I'm so sorry I have to work today, I feel terrible that I have to miss the ultra sound." Brandon says for about the 14th time.

"Brandon it's fine, Reese is taking me she's very capable." I laugh and roll my eyes playfully.

Were currently eating breakfast, Brandon is managing his emails like always and messing with his tie.


"Fine, Mrs. Joleson". He surrenders, thank gosh.

"I'm not Mrs. Joleson yet and we both know that." I glare teasingly at him.

"Well you will be one day, I'm just preparing for the future." Brandon looks at me with his crowd pleasing, signature smirk.

"We'll see." I tease as I quickly run into my room to get dressed. I dress in blue skinny jeans, a stripped v neck shirt, and black vans.

"We will see about nothing, you're dating the famous Brandon Joleson, I'm a fine and determined man, I know what I want and I get what I want." His voice travels throughout our place until he enters the room where I am.

"Babe, you know you're so hot other guys cant look at you like that." He says to me like its a fact, crossing his muscular arms over his chest.

"Brandon I'm wearing a low key outfit, it's literally jeans and a t shirt, and I'm all yours I promise, no guys are going to hit on me in this outfit." I roll my eyes.

"Josie, it's a v neck, it shows cleavage, your jeans outline your butt that's cute as fuck and put together your just simply hot." I laugh at his intense analysis.

"Brandon, you're simply a possessive billionaire in love." I state staring into his eyes, their so beautiful.

"But I'm your possessive billionaire." He grabs my waist roughly and pushes me against the door, leading to a heated makeout session. There's a knock at the door a few minutes later, I push Brandon off lightly and straighten my clothes before going to get the door, meanwhile Brandon whines about getting interrupted.

"Josie!! My bestie!" Reese exclaims in a sing song voice after I open the door. I laugh as I feel two heavy arms snake around my waist.

"Geez Reese we were having a moment." Brandon grumbles.

"Oh well you have lots of those but Reese needs some Josie time and Josie probably needs a break from you to be able to check out some hot guys." Reese rolls her eyes and enters our place, making herself a cup of coffee before we leave for the ultrasound.

Brandon pulls away from me and glares at his cousin. "She will do no such thing and you will not encourage her to Reese."

"Cous I'm kidding, your madly in love with each other, she's all fine and dandy."

A few minutes later Reese and I leave to go to the ultra sound. Reese blares the music in her car and we sing our hearts out. The traffic in the city is terrible like usual.

Once we finally get to the doctors office, we go in to see the doctor. The doctor rubs cold gel on my stomach and scans it.

"Looks like your baby is nice and heathy. Would you like to know the gender?" The doctor announces.

"Yes I would." I answer excitedly.

"You're having a girl Ms. Reid." My eyes start to tear after hearing this and Reese pats my head like a puppy, comfortingly.

"Congratulations Josie! Wanna go out for food to celebrate?" Reese bounces excitedly.

"Yes lets do it!" I agree. I never knew that agreeing to going out for food would change my life.

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