Chapter 27

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*pic above is of Mark and Josie*

Josie's POV

Ughh I'm really nervous now, did I make the right decision?

What if the guy is a complete and total jerk but at the same time he could be my soul mate, who knows.

I look down at my finger that wears the engagement ring, the diamond sparkles in the light.

All of a sudden, the door opens again and in walks the same guy from before that had told me about the engagement.

"Miss Reid, the boss has sent me back here to tell you that you are to attend a banquet this evening and you are going to meet the bosses parents and make sure they approve of their future daughter-in-law." The guys explains.

Oh gosh this is making me really nervous like I still have to be approved by the guys parents, what if they hate me?!

Oh no I shouldn't have agreed to can I get out of this?

"Tonight you will be dressed up for the banquette and the banquette is to celebrate your engagement to the boss."

I look down at my ring. It's so beautiful.

I wonder what it's like to be married.

"By the way your on camera so you better be good." The guy says.

I'm on camera too? Are they like planning to trap me in here and watch what I do?

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