Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

1 month later...

Josie's POV

I can't believe I'm actually engaged to the love of my life, I didn't feel this way with Mark, but I learned from him that we can be deceived in a lover by what we want to see in them instead of their true qualities. It still hurts me that we lost Macy, I won't ever get over that, I believe the loss of a child is one of the hardest things to get over. Pregnancy is a true, real experience as well as miscarriage. Brandon has brought in wedding planners over the past month and we decided to get married tomorrow. My best friends Natalie and Evelyn are my bridesmaids, Brandon's sister is my maid on honor, would've been Reese but not after the incident.

Today is our bachelor/ bachelorette parties. Brandon said we didn't need them but Natalie and Evelyn insisted, so tonight the girls and I along with Brandon's sister Jenna are going out to a bar to celebrate my last night of not being legally wed.

At around 4 pm, Natalie, Evelyn, Jenna and I go upstairs to get ready. Bachlorette party here we come!

We all put on mini dresses, heels, makeup and do our hair. Tonight we were going to get wasted. After we were ready to go, we took a few selfies and then went downstairs where the guys were in the living room play video games. Guys truly never grow up.

"Bye guys, see ya later." We all say in unison before leaving.

Brandon looks up at my dress and his eyes turn dark.
"Babe that's a little short, you are mine, I don't other guys looking at you like they want you."

Natalie pipes in before I can say anything. "Don't worry Brandon, she's got us to keep any eye on her", before I'm pushed out the door.

We go to a bar called "On cloud nine." I bet I won't feel like I'm on cloud nine after this.

We wait in line which is fairly long, joking and gossiping. Once we finally get to the door, the bouncer tries to slip me his number until Natalie confronts him by saying, "she's getting married tomorrow lay off bud." He nods and gestures for us to go in. We enter into the bar and there's a stream of different coloured lights around the place illuminating the bar, dance floor and such.

"Lets get some drinks." Jenna smirks. We go up to the bar and order a round of shots, once each round comes, we down them and order another. After about four rounds of shots, we get paralysers and after a few of those I get why they were given that name. Evelyn convinces us to get up dance. We all head to the dance floor, almost tripping over our feet in heels but still managing. People around us are grinding on each other and making out. Us girls all dance together as a group until some guys come up to us, asking us to dance. A tall brunette guy comes up to me.

"Hey beautiful." He whispers in my ear huskily, sending a chill down my spine, not the good kind. He begins grinding against me, I try to walk away but he grips my hips with his hands holding me down. I really wish Brandon were here right now, I'm so uncomfortable. I feel the guys hands leave my waist, I turn around relieved he was gone to find Brandon and he didn't look happy whatsoever.

He grabs the guy's shirt by balling it up in his fist, slams him against the wall and raises his other hand, punching the guy in the face. Brandon lets go of the guys shirt, causing him to fall to the ground and holds his nose while it spurts out blood.

'What the fuck man." He sneers at Brandon.

"That's my fucking girl you were grinding on there, what's mine is mine she's going to be my wife tomorrow leave her alone." Brandon's face is beet red from anger but he still looks hot as hell.

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