Chapter 43

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Marks POV

I turn off my car and walk into my house to be greeted my the maid, that's when it strikes me, I live here alone and I have a maid but that's it.

Fuck I really need Josie back. I tried to get her off my mind but it's so prominent.

"Sir can I get you anything?" The maid asks as I sit in my office chair turning on my laptop.

"A glass of scotch, actually you know what just bring the whole bottle." I sigh before waving her off.

I need to get Josie Reid off my mind. But she's not leaving you need to get her back.

It's a constant internal struggle, the positives and the negatives always have to be considered.

Do I love her though? Yes you do.

Or is she just a competition with Brandon? No she's your true love.

I really need to think straight probably when I have less alcohol in my system so I can make a clear decision but now is not the time for that.

I wonder if she got the flowers and note. You probably scared her away you dick. Or Brandon charmed his way with her already, he can't keep his hands to himself.

I have to find a girl to settle down with and that girl is going to be Josie, my parents will approve of her and I can get the grandchildren issue figured out soon to get them off my back, like I get I'm late 20's ish but that doesn't mean I have to have my life figured out right?

I mean I'm a CEO I could have anyone. But you only want one.

Ever since Brandon's dad worked with mine and they got in the dispute over the other losing a sum of money, my dad believed it was Brandon's dad's fault and vise versa. Brandon and I didn't let it ruin our friendship until Emma came along.

Brandon was into some girl and then Emma came along and he saw what he wanted at the time instead of in the long run so he trashed his friendship with the girl for Emma which I had a crush on and she went for him over me and his consideration for my feelings went out the window when he got what he wanted, that was the end of us. I wanted to give him revenge after that and we became enemies.

I drink some scotch and it slides down my throat and burns a little giving me the satisfaction I crave.

The past memories come back to me all the time, sometimes I wonder if Emma hadn't come along if Brandon and I would still be best friends and if Brandon would be with the girl he claimed he was falling for.

He had an eye for the girl with the auburn hair that flowed down her back freely, and piercing green eyes. She wasn't very tall but had a great figure, I could see why she caught Brandon's eye. He was totally into her except as he was contemplating about taking things slow, Emma came along.

She was a tease, she flirted with all the guys to get attention. She had blond hair and blue eyes, always wearing clothes that showed off her cleavage and she played softball.

I thought she was beautiful like everyone else did but she just really drew me in. We were partners one time in science and we got along and flirted until her boyfriend at the time found out and beat me up over it.

Brandon said he would give her a piece of his mind and started texting her except that didn't happen and she flirted with him and he was a charmer so I was on my way to class one day, heading upstairs and caught them in the stairwell making out.

"What the hell?" I look at their position and made me eye contact with Brandon.

"You snooze you lose, you never had much game anyways." Brandon smirks.

"You knew I was into her I made it clear."

"Well I got to her first and it's pretty clear she isn't into you." He chuckles.

"Bye run along Mark." Emma looked up at me with a glazed look.

"You will pay for this." I sneer before walking to class.

Brandon was officially now my worst enemy.

Ugh did I ever hate that time in my life. I think about the girl Brandon was into and try to remember her name.

I'm going to get revenge if it's the last thing I do.

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