Chapter 19

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Mark's POV:

After I receive the threat from that guy Gavin, I go into protective boyfriend mode.

I decide to call up my assistant in my gang. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hey Mark, what's up?"

"Hey Justin I need your help."

"What do u need my help with?"

"So I finally met "the one"...."


"Ya I met the one. I really like her a lot- no love her and I want to make her mine but I don't know how to and I'm afraid that she is going to refuse to be with me when she finds out about me being a Mafia leader."

"Oh I see when your coming from, I'll help you out to the best of my ability."

"Alright thanks."

"So first of all what's the ladies' name?"

"Her name is Josie and she is a true beauty and she would make a great wife and mother."

"Wow she sounds lovely, I'll have to have you guys over sometime and meet her."

"So I think you need to go on a few dates first and do you have a tracking device installed in her yet?"

"Ya I'm going on a date with her tonight and yes I have a tracking device on her."

"Ok so enjoy your night with her and try to seduce her a little so she will far for you and make sure to watch her on your surveillance tape."

"Ok will do thanks man."

"No problem, call me soon and let me know how it went."

"I will, bye."

I end the call and put my phone down on my desk. I turn on my surveillance tape on my laptop to see what my girl is up to. The video tape shows her and Brandon in a garden. Wait- why is she with Brandon?! Brandon is getting down on one knee and proposing to her?! OMG HE IS TRYING TO TAKE AWAY MY WOMAN!! HOW DARE HE?
He pulls a ring out of his pocket and opens it up. Josie's face looks shocked like she doesn't know what to say.
Josie say no! Say no!
I turn up the volume to hear her answer.

"Brandon I'm sorry but I can't. I'm dating Mark and I can't just leave him like that."

Brandon looks like he is going to start crying. Haha!

I look up the address of where they are and send a a few members of my gang to come with me to get her back and bring her home.

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