Chapter 33

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Mark's POV

God she's taking a long time in the bathroom. I sure hope she's okay.

Finally after 10 minutes she comes back out of the bathroom.

"Babe where have you been?"

"Mark stop being so possessive and protective, I'm 23 I think I can handle myself thank you."

"Babe I'm just making sure my love is ok, oh and also I wanna talk to you about something after the banquet when we go back to our hotel room."

"Ok." She's answers nonchalantly.

After the banquet I take my wife to be's hand and lead her upstairs to our room.

Once we get to our room, I close the door and push her against the wall.

I start to kiss her jaw and kiss down her neck.

"Mark, what are you doing?" My love asks.

"Kissing you babe." I answer.

"I'd like to start a family with you." I tell her honestly.

"Mark listen, your a great guy but I don't think were ready to start a family together yet. Like we just got engaged and we've barely even dated." She looks at me seriously.

But if she gets pregnant with my child she is less likely to leave me, I have to try and get her pregnant, I want her and I want her to be the mother of my children.

"Ok I understand." I nod.

I'm lying I'm actually going to try to get her pregnant while she's sleeping but that is considered rape.

It wouldn't look good if I was accused to raping my own fiancé.

But I could drug her and then attempt to get her pregnant and hopefully she won't remember anything.

"Babe why don't you go take a shower and relax." I suggest.

"Sure, good idea." Josie says before going into the bathroom.

Once she goes for a shower in going to make her a snack and drink and drug the drink.

I lay the snack and drugged drink down on the table i the corner of the room and wait for her to be finished.

She comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later looking hot af. I can't wait to have babies with her, mini her and I, that's amazing just the thought of it.

She's wearing her hair down and she has a purple robe on and her fiesty, fierce eyes.

"Babe I made you a snack." I say genuinely.

"Thanks Mark but I'm not hungry."

"C'mon Josie, I didn't make this for nothing."

"Oh fine I'll have a little bit."

She walks over to the corner of the room, sits down on one of the chairs and starts eating a cookie I brought her.

Then she takes a sip of the milk.

"Mark, this tastes funny, is this milk past the due date?" She asks.

No you were drugged, the milk is fine.

"I'm starting to get tired, can you help me over to the bed?"

"Of course babe."

I lay her down on the bed and wait till she starts to dose off.

Mathew babies here we come!

As she falls asleep, I start to do my business with her, but then she suddenly wakes up.

"MARK!" "WTF ARE YOU DOING?!" She says trying to push me off of her.

"Josie this needs to be done, now let me do what I need to do."

"Mark! Stop!" She cries.

"Josie, I wanna have a family with you and this is the way to start a family."

I pin her down throughout her cries for me to stop and ignore her.

Once I'm done, I lay back and fall sleep.

In the morning she wakes up and she's super mad at me.

"Morning babe." I say calmly.

"Mark! You fucking raped me last night! That's illegal!"

"Josie we can talk about it."

"Mark I am going to the police about this! Your my husband to be and you just go and have your way with me?? I don't think so, I'm a lady, you treat me with respect or I leave."

Oh no she's not going to the police about this, I'm going to threaten her.

"Josie, your not going to the police about this."

"Oh yes I am, who's going to stop me?" She starts to talk towards the door.

I get up from bed and run to grab her before she can leave.

I push her against the wall and kiss her to shut her up.

She tries to push me away but I push my body against her harder.

"Mark, why are you doing this?" She asks.

"Too much to explain." I say.

"Please baby." She pleads.

"Fine." I give in.

"I've always wanted someone to love and care for and protect and I really like you." I say honestly.

"Oh." She says shocked.


"Mark, I understand that you want to have a family but raping me isn't the way to go about starting a family."

"I'm sorry babe, my parents have also been trying to convince me for a while to settle down and since I'm engaged now, their trying to convince me to give them grandchildren." I explain.

"Mark." Josie looks up at me into my eyes.

"Yes babe?" I ask sitting down on the couch, wanting to hear what she has to say.

"We haven't really dated even, could we maybe go on a few dates before we get married?" She asks nervously.

"Sure." I agree.

"How about tonight, we go out for dinner and maybe take a walk under the moonlight and stars after dinner?" I suggest.

"Sounds good." She smirks.

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