Chapter 14

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Mark's POV:

Josie is laying her head on my bare chest, absorbing my warmth. She smells so sweet! Ahhh I love her perfume! I love everything about her!
She wakes up and sits up and looks at the clock.
"Mark I need to get up!" She says, urgently getting up out o the bed. I grab her and wrap an arm around her waist, causing her to fall back on the bed.

"Stay home with me today baby girl." I say calmly as I hold her in my arms, preventing her from getting up.

"But Brandon will get mad at me." She says trying to get up once again. I tighten my grip on her so that she can't escape.

"Who cares about what Brandon thinks, if he fires you then I'll hire you at my company," I respond with a shrug.

"Fine, I'll stay home with you today Mark." She gives in, as she gets back in bed. I have her wrapped around my finger and she doesn't even know it.

She will be mine soon. I am going to threaten her and then she won't leave me after she is threatened. Nobody messes with me, I get what I want, when I want it, always. I want her and she will be mine. We will have a family together and I will seduce her into loving me and she will be scared to ever leave me. I have a deep, dark secret which she will know about soon and once she finds out, there will be no turning back, she will have to stay with me under my control.

I am lost in my thoughts, when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. I turn to look at my right side and see my sweet Josie's face, smiling at me.

"Babe, your phone is ringing." She says.
I turn to look at my nightstand and see my phone is indeed ringing.

"Hello." I pick it up and snap harshly at the caller for interrupting my personal moment.

"I'm sorry Mr.Khale but a guy called and he is insisting on talking to you in person." My assistant Miley says, fear lining her voice.

"Fine." I say angrily. I end the call and and put my phone back on the nightstand.

"What was that about Mark?" Josie asks, she places her warm hand on my bare chest and pecks my lips. I grab her chin and kiss her passionately.
We get heated but I pull away and get up.

"Mark....." Josie whines as I get out of bed.
"Sorry baby girl I've got business to address." I apologize as I button my black dress shirt.
I do the belt on my jeans and slip on my dress shoes. I take my comb and slick back my dark hair. When I'm done I come out of the bathroom and kiss Josie on the forehead before leaving.

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