Chapter 52

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Josie's POV:

The sun shines through the slit in the curtains as I begin to wake up. My eyes flutter open and I find a sleeping hot chunk of man beside me. He shirtless and his beautiful orbs are closed. He looks so peaceful sleeping, like a teddy bear but a gigantic one. I stare at his soft silky hair, wanting to just graze my hands through those beautiful strands and feel it on my finger tips. I look down and realize his muscular arm is draped over my waist protectively. Gosh I could wake up to this everyday.

"Hey cutie, you done admiring my features yet?" Brandon gives me a cheeky smile as his eyes are now open. How long has he been awake.

"I was not admiring anything." I deny.

"Aha sure so your just casually staring at my handsome face for no reason at all?" Brandon's lips form into a smirk. God he got me there.

"Whatever, get over it it's not like it hasn't happened to you before from like 300 other girls." I roll my eyes teasing him.

"Josie come on not fair and plus you're special you're not just any girl, you're my girl."

"Pft you wish hot stuff." I pretend not to care when really my insides are melting.

"Look at me in the face and tell me you don't want me to be your boyfriend." He says as he stares at me challengingly, we lay facing each other on my bed. You can do this self.

"I don't want you to be my boyfriend." I say looking at his arm.

"Josie my face is over here baby." He teases smirking. I realize I can't do it.

"Someone can't tell me in the face eh? Guess you just want me to be your boyfriend." He chuckles. Ahh so beautiful. And heck yes I want you to be my boyfriend.

Brandon roles on top of me with his elbows supporting his weight. His masculine smell overwhelms me. His lips lower to being just above mine, so close that his warm breath hints them, making them tingle. His eyes flicker from making eye contact with me to staring at my lips.

After what seems like forever of him debating he presses his mind numbing lips against mine, making my mind lose control of its senses. His tongues slips out and trails along my bottom lip, asking for much wanted entrance. My lips part giving acceptance and his tongue invades my mouth, our tongues battle for dominance but of course he takes control and wins. His lips trail from mine down to my jawline and collarbone, I tilt my head letting him have more access. He kisses and sucks and bites on my neck, surely giving me a hickey, as well certainly being proud of his accomplishment.

We pull away for air and my phone rings.

"Fuck really?" He mumbles under his breath.

I check it to find Zak calling me.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Josie Reid where are you my love?" He asks in his best angry teasing voice.

"She's getting some." Brandon says in a deep voice. My cheeks heat up like no tomorrow.

"Josie was that our boss, MR JOLESON?!"

"Yes it is, Zachariah." Brandon smirks at me. Am I even part of the conversation?

"Josie I thought you were committed to me, how could you!" Zak fake sniffles.

"Sorry Zak I love you but Brandon has some pretty hot abs." I laugh.

Brandon looks at me like he's really jealous and kisses my neck roughly making me moan, I bite my lip trying to not let Zak hear that.

"She's mine Zak." Brandon says possessively.

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