Chapter 49

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Brandon's POV

The door opens revealing Josie in a silky robe, loosely tied and bare legs, looking hot as fuck, God I wasn't expecting that.

"Omgosh Mr. Joleson!! What are you doing here?" Josie tries to cover herself up more much to my dismay.

"Brandon." I correct her.

"I came her to tell you-" I get cut off by a pizza delivery guy.

"Pizza!" Josie squeals forgetting about me, great of course.

"That'll be $20.95." The pizza guy looks her up and down checking her out. It makes me angry and jealous.

"Also, can I get your number." He smirks.

"Sorry I'm her boyfriend, you can leave her alone now." I glare at him until he leaves.

After the pizza guy leaves, I turn back to Josie.

"As I was saying." I begin. She closes the door in my face but I pry it open with my foot.

"Josie please give me a chance." I utter.

"Fine, one chance, say what you want to say."

"Josie I've liked you since the day I met you in junior high, I'm sorry about Emma, I shouldn't have let her get between us but I certainly regret it. I always had an eye for you but you walked out of my life after the incident which I deserved but since I saw you again I've wanted to be with you so please will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" I let out my feelings and look at her with pleading eyes.

"Yes Brandon I'll give you once chance, you better not mess up, I don't want to get my heart broken and I won't be your girlfriend yet but I'll go on a date with you and if it goes well then I'll be your girlfriend." She says sincerely. At least it's something.

"Fuck you don't know how happy you made me." I smile and pull her towards me, smashing our lips together. Emotions ignite inside me and I can barely pull away from her except we need air.

I pull away and she's breathing heavily as I am too and she blushed, god that's cute. I give her the roses and she takes them, smelling them and smiling.

"Would you like to join me for pizza?" She asks looking hopeful.

"I wouldn't want it any other way." I smirk.

I follow her inside and close the door behind me.

"I better go change." She says before turning away from me and walking to her room.

"You don't have to I prefer the way you are." I smirk.

"We aren't official yet, gotta save the sexy stuff for your imagination so you don't get bored of me." She smirks.

"Oh trust me I won't get bored of you my love." I respond. I've wanted her for so long how could I get bored of her?

She comes out of her room a few minutes later as I'm waiting for her in the kitchen. She's wearing sweats and a t shirt showing off a little cleavage. I can handle this.

She grabs plates and goes to grab napkins from the cupboard but she's too short.

"Need help?" I chuckle.

"Maybe." She whispers, blushing.

I walk up to her until my chest is touching her back. She shivers as she feels my breath on her neck.

"Like that babygirl?" I whisper huskily in her ear.

"There you go." I add, getting the napkins down and setting them beside her.

"Damn Brandon." She mutters visibly being flustered.

"You haven't seen nothing yet babygirl." This is only the beginning.

We sit down to eat our pizza across from each other at the dining table.

"So if we were to date, wouldn't that effect my job and how I'm looked at?" Josie looks at me questioningly.

"You can decide whether to keep your job or not, I can support you and I can take care of how your looked at. Also what's your relation to Zak?" I ask curiously.

"We're friends why?" Josie looks at me.

"He seems into you and if your going to be my girlfriend I don't want other guys looking at you like that especially in my own building." I make eye contact with her.

"Well he's certainly not since he's gay so he's more into you then he is me." She laughs. "So you have nothing to worry about if we do become official."

I look at her with wide eyes, fuck wasn't expecting that but it makes me relax for sure, just got to take care of Mark.

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