Chapter 58

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Brandon's POV

It's been 3 months... 3 dreadfully long months without her. It feels like she's gone, like I lost her even though I didn't. This time without her has made me realize how much I love her. It hurts to go home and not be able to say the simplest things to her, hear her laugh and feel her embrace.

When I'm not at the work, I'm typically at the hospital, sitting at her bed side and leaving flowers and chocolates, hoping one day she will magically wake up.

I'm currently sitting in my polished office, doing paperwork, thinking about Josie. I can't do anymore today so I decide to go to the hospital and bring the big beige teddy bear I just got her, and pray her beautiful eyes will open today and grace the world with her love. I used to be such a player but it's true one person can really change you.

Leaving my office, I get in the elevator and call my driver to come pick me up as I don't have a clear enough head to drive anywhere.

Once outside my company, the cold evening air hits me briskly, and it's really refreshing, definitely something I needed. My driver pulls up with my limo and I order him to take me to the hospital.

I stare out the window at the city lights as we drive by. It would be such a beautiful sight to look at with Josie, if only she were here with me right now. Feeling overtired, my body slouches back in the seat and my eyes shit to their own willpower.

"Were here sir." I hear in the distance. My eyes open unwillingly and find the vehicle stopped in front of the hospital.

"Thanks." I open the door and step out of the limo, hopefully today will be the lucky day when Josie wakes up. I go up to the 2nd floor and enter her room.

Like usual, her beauty lies in a hospital gown, eyes shut with tubes attached to her and a heart monitor beside her.

I pull the chair over that I always sit in when I visit her and take a seat. Her hand lies on the edge of the bed. I take it in mine and hold it soothingly.

Suddenly I feel a twitch. Looking up, her eyes are fluttering. Am I dreaming?

Her eyes open and she stares at the white ceiling for a few seconds before turning her head to make eye contact with me.

Holy she's awake. Josie is really truly awake!

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