Chapter 59

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Josie's POV

I open my eyes to the pasty white, hospital ceiling once again. Hopefully I can go home today! Beside me I can feel a hot breath on my ear, making me blush. I turn to look at Brandon's face and study his facial features, he looked like he was carved by a god, he has such good genetics. I don't realize I'm staring until I hear a raspy voice chuckle and say, "Like what you see beautiful?" My cheeks flush hot, likely bright red to anyone looking at me.

"Maybe."  I tease him. He captures my lips in his in a passionate kiss. "Does that help influence your answer?' He smirks.

"Yes, I do like what I see, I have for a long time." I laugh lightly. I'm definitely feeling better, today and ready to be released and go home.

There's a knock at the door before the doctor from yesterday walks in.

"Hi, Josie, I came to let you know you're allowed to leave today and go home. I hope you feel better." She leaves after I'm released and Brandon's signs some papers. Finally, freedom! Home, my bed, food. I strip out of the hospital gown and put on sweat pants and a t shirt that Brandon brought for me. He helps me outside and into the car before going around the car to the driver's seat.

Brandon takes my hand intertwines our fingers, giving me a reassuring squeeze. It's about a 20 minute drive before we arrive home.

"You should get some rest babe, and maybe take a shower, I'll make you dinner and come get you when it's ready." I nod my head before going upstairs to our room. I take a shower and put on a hoodie dress with silk ties before crawling under the duvet on our king size bed. I can honestly say that it doesn't take me long to drift off into a deep slumber once my head comes in contact with the satin pillow.

A soft knock wakes me up from my sleep. The door opens and Brandon walks in, in sweatpants and a white t shirt that hugged his chiseled chest very nicely.

He comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and cuddling into me.

"Feeling better babe?" His husky voice whispers in my ear.

"Getting there." I answer.

"I made spaghetti, want to come down and eat? Also I have a surprise for my girl." Brandon smiles a genuine smile, while laying on his side and resting his head on his hand.

"I'd love to." I answer, turning around and kissing him.

"Let's go babygirl." He pulls back the covers, helping me out of bed, leading me downstairs to the backyard where he set up a beautiful table with two chairs, a little boquet of roses in the middle in the table, along with a candle lit illuminating the scene. On the table as well was two plated of spaghetti with champagne.

"If you don't want champagne I can get you something else." He says worriedly.

"It's perfect", I smile at him whole heartedly.

Brandon pulls back my chair for me, after I sit down he pushes me in and sits across from me.

"I hope you like it babygirl." He says, I look up and see the hope in his eyes.

"I don't like it I love it." I laugh lightly, making him smile in relief.

We talk and eat before he stands up, saying he has a surprise. He pulls a red velvet box out of his pocket. OH MY GOD, IS THAT A RING?

"Josie, I know we haven't known each other that long but we've been through a lot and have history but I've never felt this way towards anyone else. I'm sorry about the idiotic things I've done in the past but I promise I've matured and grown up and I can honestly say I love you with all my heart. You're so beautiful, smart, talented, courageous, kind, caring and loving. I want to spend every hour, every minute, every second of every day of the rest of my life with you. You make me the happiest I've ever been. Josie Reid will you marry me?" Brandon gets down on one knee, opening the box to reveal the most beautiful diamond ring I've ever seen. I gasp and tear up before answering, "YES, yes, a hundred times yes! I love you so much Brandon Joleson."

He takes my hand places the ring on my ringer before grabbing my waist, pulling me into him so that our chests are touching and connects our lips in a kiss that represented our love we shared for each other.

"You're mine Josie, remember that. You're all mine forever and if any other man ever lays eyes on you or tries to take you from me he will get the sh**t beat out of him." Brandon whispers in my ear as his minty, warm breath fans my neck, making a chill run down my spine. Brandon wraps his big muscular arms around my small waist protectively. I could stay in his arms forever I loved the feeling of his embrace.

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