Chapter 28

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Mark's POV

I'm sitting in my office at the warehouse when there's a knock at the door. I tell whoever it is to come in. In walks my parents and sister.

"Hi guys." I greet them. The take a seat around the furnished office.

"So my youngest son is finally engaged." My dad says.

"Yes I think I have met the one."

"What's her name?" Selena asks.

"Josie." I reply.

"You better be giving us some grandkids soon." My mom voices her opinion and pats my dad on the shoulder.

"Would be nice son." He adds.

"Mom, dad stop with the kid thing, if Josie and I wanna have kids, we'll have kids." I state.

"You will give me grandkids!" My mother says firmly.

"You have Kyle and Selena to give you grandchildren too."

I look over at my sister as she begins to tear up.

"Selena what's wrong?" I ask.

"I got kicked in stomach by a horse six months ago when I was doing a horse show with Nick and the doctor said that there's a very high chance that I won't be able to have kids." She explains.

Omg, I feel so bad for her. She's always wanted to have kids and now there's a high chance that she can't.

I get up from my seat and give her a hug.

"I'm so sorry sis." I try to comfort her.

She cries into my shoulder and I hug her tighter.

"Hopefully I will get to be an aunt at least." Selena mutters.

I release Selena and she sits down again, tipping her eyes free of tears.

"Well we should be going." My dad says standing up, "the banquet starts at 7."

"See you at 7." I wave at them as leave.

They shut the door behind themselves and then I turn back to my laptop.

Finally, Josie is all mine.

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