Chapter 32

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Josie's POV

I enter the bathroom and go to the sink to touch up my makeup and wash my hands.

"Ms. Reid correct?" The lady beside me asks snoopily.

"Yes and you are?"

"Cara James, I wanna tell you something about Marky." Cara starts off.

"Marky?" I question.

"Let me just say that I've known him for a long time."


"Well anyhow, I wanted to warn you."

"Warn me? About what?" I ask.

"Mark isn't just anyone."

"Go on." I urge.

"He's secretly a spy."

"A spy?!" I look at her with wide eyes.

"Yup and he's got a lot of enemies."

"Yikes." I look at her scared.

"And you being with him, soon to be his wife are now part of the spy family."

"Wait what?"

"Since you are going to marry Mark, you will become a spy as well, in other words if your part of the Mathews family you have to be a spy."


"He's part of the bad side though."

"So he's evil?"

"Well the bad sides mission is to wipe out the good side so the bad side can take over the world."

"The world?!" I almost choke on air.

"Well that won't be for generations to come but first of all they want to take over the country."

"Omgosh that's not good!"

"Ya I know."

"What are you part of the bad side or the good side?" I ask.

"Good but undercover for bad."

"Um ok...."

"I'm on a mission." Cara says.

"And your my mission."

"What?! Me? Why?" I stare at her dumbfounded.

"Your engaged to the wrong guy." Cara smirks.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean your not supposed to be part of the bad side, your meant to be on the good side."

"So I'm supposed to leave Mark?" I ask.

"Yes in the future, but first of all, I need your help."


"Can we be friends?"



"Ok first of all here's my number." Cara hands me a card.

"Can I text you with this?" I ask.

"Yes and I'll tell you what you need to do."

"Oh and one last thing, be cautious."

"Of what?"

"Gotta go." She leaves without answering.

What could I need to be cautious of?

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