Chapter 15

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Josie's POV:

Mark places a kiss on my forehead before leaving for work. He looks so hot in his dress shirt and dark wash jeans.

I get up out of bed and go to the bathroom and shower. After I get out of the shower, I put on a violet robe tie my hair into a messy bun. I do my makeup and get dressed and curl my hair. I put on my shoes and go downstairs to eat.

I'm eating a crepe and a fruit smoothie when I hear the doorbell ring. I get up from the high stool that I'm sitting on and grab my phone, placing it in my back pocket.

I walk over to the front door and open it. Standing on the front porch is a young boy with an envelope in his hand.

"I was told to give you this." The boy says, handing me the envelope.

"Um..thanks." I answer nervously taking the envelope from the boy.

He turns around and leaves. I close the door and walk back to the kitchen, suspicious of what is in the envelope.

I cut the top of the envelope open and take out a note. The note reads:

Dear, Josie:

You probably don't know who this is writing to you, but you will find out soon. I have something for you, come outside and walk to the park, I will be waiting for you there.
-Your secret admirer

I read the note and I can't stop wondering who my secret admirer could be.
Hm I guess I'll walk to the park and find out who it is.

I get up and go outside. I am turning the corner of the driveway, when I feel something grab me. I attempt to scream but something covers my mouth.

I kick and squirm but the thing that grabbed me only tightens it grip on me and starts moving.

Was I just kidnapped?!

The try to get out of the things hold again, but it's no use. I feel something sharp in my shoulder and suddenly everything goes black.

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