Chapter 18

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Josie's POV:

"I am not getting in that car with you." I state and cross my arms over my chest.
"Oh yes you are my darling." Brandon smirks at me.
"Am not!" I argue.
"Well you either go sit in that car yourself or I will lift you up and carry you to that car and put you in it myself.
"No." I dare to oblige.
"Are you challenging me?" He asks but has a hot look on his face.
"Yes I am, I'm a rebel, I always have been and I'm not going to be bossed around by you or anyone for that matter." I smirk.
"Oh we'll see about that." He finalizes and walks over to me.

He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

"BRANDON PUT ME DOWN! NOW!" I exclaim and punch him.

"Geez calm down woman." He says non- chalantly.

He walks over to the car and puts me in it and then gets in beside me.
I try to escape out of the other aside door but he locks it before I can escape.

"Not so fast sweetheart." Brandon leans in to kiss me but I turn my head away. He lifts up my chin and places a tender, passionate kiss on my lips. I pull away as fast as I can. He pulls me to sit on his lap and I try to squirm but he has none of it and wraps his muscular arms around by tiny waist.

"Brandon, stop!" I push him away as he tries to place love bites on my neck.

"Your mine, mine forever." He whispers huskily into my ear.

"I'm dating Mark, Brandon. You need to know where the limits stand. You can't kiss someone and cuddle someone who is dating someone." I explain.

I feel his body tense.

"Look I don't like Mark and I don't appreciate him interfering in my life and trying to take what's mine."

"I'm not yours though." I say straightforwardly.

"Josie, I have loved you since 7th grade and I always used to get jealous when other guys would get your attention but I didn't get it. I may have liked other girls as well but you were different from them all, you were special and you still are, you don't understand but I care and love you more that you will ever know. Please I am begging you, just go on one date with me." Brandon turns me so I look him directly in the eyes.

"I can't I'm sorry, but that was a lovely speech and it means a lot, I will take it into consideration." I give him a genuine smile.

The car stops about half an hour later on a gravel road.
Brandon gets out and opens the door for me and offers me a hand which I accept.
We walk up the gravel road and I feel his hand grasp mine firmly so I can't get away.
We walk up to a big mansion like house.
Brandon unlocks the door and I enter the house.

"This way." Brandon says and shows me up a flight of stairs. We walk up the stairs and enter a gigantic room.

"This is our bedroom." Brandon announces.

"Our?!" I almost choke.

"Yes our bedroom Josie." He assures.

"Brandon, I'm not sharing a room with you." I state.

"Yes you are love." He finalizes.

"So what are we even here for?" I question suspiciously.

"You'll find out soon." He smirks.

"Now go in the closet and take out the purple bag and read the note and do what it says." Brandon orders before leaving and locking the door behind himself.

I go in the closet and find the purple bag. I take it out and place it on the bed and read the note inside:
Dear Josie,
This is your true love Brandon.
I love you a lot and care about you so much you wouldn't ever be able to realize. I have planned a romantic evening for us tonight. Inside the bag is dress and heels for you to wear. Come down to the patio by 8 please. See you at 8
-Brandon xoxo

After I read the note, I take a shower and curl my hair and do my makeup before putting on the silk long sleeved dress and heels. I grab my phone and text Brandon letting him know that I'm done so he can come unlock me from my prison. I hear footsteps and the door unlocks. I find a man in his early thirties staring back at me.
"May I escort you to dinner ma'am?" The man asks.

"For sure and thank you." I smile and take his arm. He leads me to the patio and pulls out my chair for me.
Brandon comes and has a seat a few minutes later. A waiter comes with our food (Fettuccine Alfredo). We eat and create small talk. After we are finished dinner, Brandon stands up.

"Come with me for a walk in the garden?" He asks.

"Alright I guess." I answer, basically having no choice.

We walk for a few minutes as the sun begins to set over the horizon and stop near a rose bush and he does the unexpected.

"Josie, you are the best thing that has every happened to me. I love you with all my heart. You are the most amazing girl I have ever met and I trust you more than I trust myself."
He gets down on one knee and pulls out a red velvet box from his suit pant pocket.
"Please be mine forever and ever. Never leave me. Have kids with me, grow old with me. I love you."
"Josie will you marry me?" He asks as he opens the lid of the box to reveal a heart shaped diamond engagement ring.

What do I do now?!

I stand there in shock, not saying a word.

I am doomed.

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