Chapter 2

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Josie's POV:

After the shocking encounter with Mark, I hurry up to the 10th floor for my interview (hoping that I'm not late). I sit in the waiting room with five other ladies, we all chat while we wait for our turns. I'm the last one to go into Mr. Joleson's office for my interview. I watch as all the ladies come back out of his office with sad expressions. I hope I'm not going to be one of them. When it's my turn, I get up and walk into his office. When I step into his office, he looks up at me with his steel grey-blue eyes, like he is staring into my soul. Creepy?

"Please take a seat, Ms.Reid." He says in a serious tone. I stare at him and obey before realizing that this is Brandon Joleson from junior high school.

"Is everything alright, Ms.Reid?" He asks as a smirk plays on his lips. Does he know?

"Yes of course." I answer snapping out of my daze. We may have history but that doesn't mean that I don't want this job. Plus he's the CEO of this big, fancy- shiny company, I may have dressed to impress but still have to act to impress.

"May I see your resume'?" He asks. I'm even more nervous now, under his intense stare my hands are sweating like crazy, why do our bodies only do this when were nervous? Like isn't that the worst time?

"Of course", I reply, I take my resume' out of my purse and hand it to him, with shaky, sweaty hands. Wow I'm doing a great job already, talk about act to impress, note the sarcasm.

He looks over it with no expression on his face. Now I really feel like I'm going to be walking out of here with a sad expression like those other ladies. I'm really nervous right now.

The words that leave his mouth next shock me to no end.

He hands it back to me and announces "your hired". He leans back in his chair and looks up at me.

"You start tomorrow at 8 am sharp, don't be late or else." He emphasizes on "else", leading him to lick his well-defined lips. Oh god no self you can't fall for that again.

I smile and thank him. I leave his office promptly, trying to escape that stress room as quickly as possible meanwhile wearing a dress and heels- certainly not the easiest task ever. As I feel like I've escaped and gained freedom from the serious atmosphere on this level of the Joleson building, I almost reach the elevator when I hear someone trying to get my attention. I turn around and find a guy about 5'11 in height wearing a grey Armani suit walking down the hallway.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Hi I'm Noah, you are Mr. Joleson's new personal assistant correct?" Noah questions. He appears to be a very friendly guy.

"Yes I am, I'm Josie." I reply and shake his hand. He flashes me a smile. "If you ever need anything, I'm here." Noah says.

"Thanks." I smile at him and turn to leave but crash into a wall. Well I didn't see that coming, until I realize that it's not a wall it's a muscular chest.

"Noah get back to work now!" The person says angrily. I suddenly recognize the voice as Brandon's. Of course the very person I didn't want to see until tomorrow at 8:00 am.

"Josie." He whispers huskily into my ear. Wait did my brain just hear that right? Huskily? Why did that send tingles across my skin?

"Mr. Joleson- uh..... did you need me?" I step back a little to allow myself some personal space.

"Actually yes, I could use you in my office for a minute to sign something." Brandon answers in his deep voice.

"Oh, sure okay." I answer as he turns around and gestures for me to follow him. Couldn't he have just had me sign whatever it is tomorrow?

Brandon opens the door for me to walk into his office. Wow he's actually become somewhat of a gentlemen.

As I step into his office, my shoe catches on the rug and I am about to fall, but the fall is broken by two warms catching me. Wow, I am a complete and utter clutz.

"You really always have been falling for me haven't you?" Brandon smirks. I blush as he helps me to steady myself once again.

"I'm really sorry about that Mr. Joleson, tomorrow I'll wear flat shoes so that that doesn't happen again. He steps closer to be allowing me to infale his heavnly masculine cologne. God does he want to kill me?

"Call me Brandon, Josie." He smirks. I take a step backwards to get some personal space until my back hits the door. I'm doomed now, in the same room as a hot guy with no space to breath, what a fun time.

"Mr Joleson-"


He places his hands on the door on either side of the door briskly. His head inches closer to me, closing the space between us, his hot breath hits my face making me weak in the knees.

"Be here at 8:00 am tomorrow babygirl." And just as fast as he invaded my personal space, he was gone. I clear my head and take in a deep breath before looking up to find him at his desk working like nothing happened.

"You may leave now Ms. Reid." Brandon says simply, without looking up from his laptop.

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