Chapter 51

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Marks POV

I seriously need Josie back. She may not be pregnant with my child yet but not for long. Brandon and I have always competed over what we want whether it's what he wants or what I want but we always want what the other wants. Everything has always been a competition between us and it remains like that. He's not having Josie, no matter what not under my watch.

I'm secretly a spy and part of the mafia so I'm very experienced in the art of kidnapping and it can be done without a trace. I don't want to hurt her just need her to be my wife and lover and to have my children, plus impress my parents.

This girl named Cara that I used to know and date broke up with me because of that, ever since I haven't dated anyone, I haven't had good experience with dating, until Josie.

I'm currently sitting in my personal office at home, feet up  on my polished wooden desk that's scattered with piles of paper. I have a couple days till that party but my mother isn't a person to break a promise with, if things don't go her way, all hell breaks lose and in my opinion it's better to avoid that.

I call up my personal investigator and request that he get me Josie's location, like I said I'm experienced in the art of kidnapping and it may be a criminal practice but in my mind it's a practical skill for when something is in need of getting done, like having Josie at that party with me to show her off to my family, meanwhile at the moment shes likely being snatched into the arms of my nemesis himself.

I open my desk drawer and my pistol comes into eye view. No I don't want to hurt my sweet, sweet Josie just a fond threatening is what's needed, holding a gun to someone's head typically gives motivational for them to do what you want them to. Josie will be mine soon enough but she needs to be adjusted to the mafia ways and learn the mannerisms. Guns are one of the things she will get used to as being my future wife.

I take out the pistol and slip it into the waistband of my slacks. I leave my office, letting the door close behind me as I leave my mansion. Mines and Josies mansion soon. I unlock my black SUV and get in the driver seat, I start the engine of my SUV and hearing it roar to life, the start of my mission. Once the address of Josies home is programmed into my GPS, I follow the directions and arrive at her building.

To avoid suspicion, I park underground so I can sneak her out easily once she's into my grip.

I head up the elevator to her place. Sneaking down the hall, once I'm at her door I twist the knob lightly and to my surprise it's open, which makes my job a lot easier. She sure isn't expecting this.  After I'm inside I be cautious to look around for her presence and find her in the kitchen with her back to me listening to music and cooking.


My fingers grip the pistol and pull it out of my waistband sleekly. I inch up behind her until I'm right behind her. I put my right hand on her waist possessively and my left hand holds the gun to her temple.

"Now now babygirl, do what I say and we can do this the easy way or you can disobey and and we can do it the hard way." I whisper in her ear.

"I don't think so, Mark, you really thought I would let her out of my sight so you could sweep in and persuade her to be with you after you raped her?" I turn to find Brandon, two feet in front of me. Wtf?

I turn and look back at Josie to realize she's facing me now with a knife in her hand. A gun is more powerful babe.

"Brandon she's mine let her go you already took Emma, why can't you just let someone else have something for once?" I seethe.

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