Chapter 26

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*The picture above is of Josie's engagement ring* ___________________
Josie's POV

A tall guy with slicked back golden blonde hair enters the room. He stands tall at about 6'2 in height in a grey suit with black dress shoes and an expensive looking sliver watch on his wrist. He has piercing blue eyes which are very attracting, as well as soft looking lips and a smirk on his face.

"Ok sweetheart, you have two choices." The man states.

"And what are those?" I ask.

"Ok so there is a box in that desk over there in the top right hand drawer. In there you will find a ring. You can either put it on or leave it. If you put it on than you are basically making a commitment to "the boss" saying that you will marry him. If you leave it, you leave here a free woman." The man explains.

"Who is the boss?" I ask, suspiciously.

"Can't tell you sorry." The man answers.

I wonder who "the boss" is. I don't know what to do because I don't know who the boss is, I mean for all I know he could be a phsyco crazy murderer. Should I agree to marrying him? Ugh this is a hard decision but I have no idea who this person ever is so I don't want to agree to marrying someone I don't even know like I wanna marry someone that I'm in love with, I might not even like this guy and I don't want to get a divorce with someone just because I agreed to marrying someone who I didn't even know and ended up not liking them. And I want to have kids in the future and what if I don't like this guy or he doesn't want to have kids. I'm probably just over thinking things though like always, like what if he is a great guy and we fall in love and live happily ever after?

The man looks at me impatiently.

"May I have a few minutes to think over my decision?" I ask.

"Of course." The man replies and gets up and leaves the room.

What am I going to do? I have no clue who this guy is but what if I'm supposed to marry him and I'll get in trouble from God or something if I don't. Omgosh! I don't know what to do.

The man comes back in a few minutes later and sits down.

"Have we made our decision?" The man questions.

"Yes sir." I reply.

"And what is your decision my lady?" He asks.

My lady? What is he the guy......

"I have decided to agree to marrying the boss." I answer.

The man gets up from his seat and walks over to the wooden desk in the corner of the room and opens a drawer.

He comes back to where he was sitting and hands me a black velvet box.

"Inside that box is your engagement ring, you where that ring everywhere you go so that your known as being engaged to the boss." He explains.

I open the box and inside sits a gorgeous diamond ring.

"OMG it's beautiful!" I exclaim, holding my hand over my mouth in shock.

The man holds out his hand and I place my right hand in his as he places the engagement ring on my ring finger.

"You are now officially engaged to the boss." The man declares.

Hello my fellow readers! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in over a month but I promise I will start writing more regularly again! I hope you enjoy this chapter, I will include pictures of what Josie and the boss look like in the next chapter. Bye for now! 💕

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