Chapter 35

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Mark's POV

I can't believe, I finally get engaged and then I try to make sure that my girlfriend won't leave me and now she's accusing me of rape!

Well technically I guess it is considered rape but I just wanted to have a baby with her.

Don't girls want to have babies and be mothers? Don't they like when guys make moves on them? Don't they like guys paying attention to them?

I guess she's different....

I'm staring into space when I hear my phone beep.

I take it out of my pocket to read a text from Josie.

Mark were over!

Over? We can't be over! We just got engaged, we're not over and we never will be.

Josie and I are going to get married and have a family together, she doesn't know what she's gotten herself into but there's no escaping now.

I text back:

Oh sweetheart we're not even close to over.

Hopefully she will get the message.

Unfortunately my stubborn girlfriend didn't catch on and decided to fight me further on the matter.

LEAVE ME ALONE MARK!! You raped me and I never want to see your shameful face again! We're over! And thanks to your foolishness I could be pregnant with your baby right now!! Never text me again we're done here and I'm blocking your number! Goodbye!

Baby, did she say. Exactly what my plan was on the first place, have my way with her and get her pregnant so she won't leave me.

Josie you have a lot to learn about me sweetheart.

You don't enter my world and leave at the snap of your fingers, once you enter, your going to have to do a lot to get back out, especially if your my girlfriend and if your carrying my child.

I decide to call up one of my men and get him to find Josie and bring her to me.


"It's Mark."

"What can I do for your sir?"

"Find Josie Reid and bring her to me! NOW!"

"Yes sir, right away!"

"Get on it!" I say before hanging up on him.

Josie is going to be mine if it's the last thing I do.


A while later while staring at my laptop intently, the door to my office opens and in walks my guard Harrison.

"I've got her sir."

I turn around and look up to see Harrison holding my Josie.

"Thank you Harrison, you may leave now."

He lets go of her thankfully and leaves the room.

"Mark, what the fu-" Josie starts but I smirk and interrupt her before she can finish her sentence.

"Josie your mine, all mine, forever. Get that through your stubborn head love." I growl into her eye possessively. She shivers at the mere touch of our skin contact.


"Sweetheart let me finish, don't interrupt." I bite her earlobe making her yelp.

"Sweetheart I want to know if your pregnant with my child." I state.

"I-I don't know." She stutters out nervously in a low voice.

"Maybe it's time you take a test, sweetheart."

She gulps.

"Go into my bathroom and take a test."

"No Mark I will not do what you say! You can't tell me what to do, now leave me alone!" Josie protests.

I push her against the wall of my office and trap her.

Coming closer to her ear, I whisper, "It wasn't a choice sweetheart, it was an order."

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