Chapter 40

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Josie's POV

I've been ignoring Mark for about the past month, I found out I wasn't pregnant with his child so there's nothing he can hold against me.  I didn't tell him because knowing him he would likely over react or try something to get me pregnant once again.

I reported the rape to the police and I have to go to court about it since you can't reason with an unruly man who wants to get his own way on everything.

I still have the ring but I put it in my room and no longer wear it, he may think we still have a chance but there's no way I'm getting back with him he's too much.

I've decided not to date for a while guys are to overwhelming and in my opinion it's better to focus on work, priorities and friends.

I keep playing Brandon's proposal and confession over in my head, he's always been one that's able to draw me in and make me curious and want to know more but I don't want to open the opportunity to getting my heart broken again it's too many emotions.

I'm laying in bed thinking about everything going on when my friends come to wake me up.

"Get up sleepy head."

"You have work in like an hour."

I groan and grab my phone off my nightstand, checking my notifications.

I open Snapchat to see that Zak had snapped me a picture of his abs and nerdy glasses on asking if he was a hot nerd.

I giggled and snapped back a selfie with the caption "of course you will always be my hot nerd."

I set my phone down and go into the bathroom to quickly get ready for work.

I put on a white v neck t shirt with a black blazer, navy blue jeans and some heels.

I straighten out my hair with my straightening iron, fill in my brows and apply mascara before opening Snapchat to go take a mirror selfie to send to Zak for outfit approval.

Once I take the picture, I go to send it to Zak but realize someone new added me.

I look to see who it is to find that Brandon added me.

I roll my eyes and go back to my list of friends I have been snapping. Realizing I sent Brandon the snap instead of Zak I suddenly felt really embarrassed. Before I had the chance to say anything about it, Brandon snaps back a selfie of him smirking with the caption "looking smoking hot 😏". I quickly close the app and turn off my phone.

I come out of the bathroom and my room to the living room for some breakfast and a smoothie before making my journey to work where I will likely be very embarrassed and blushing for the next hour once I see my boss.


Hey it's the author. Hope you all like the story it's been interesting to write with all the ideas I get and putting them into the story.

Should I update the cover page for the possessive billionaires true love?

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