Chapter 8

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Josie's POV:

I came up in the elevator with Mark, he's such a sweet, loving, caring guy and he's so passionate with me. His muscular arms are wrapped around my waist and his head rests in the crook of my neck and I can smell his cologne, it's so heavenly. I wonder if I'll marry him one day. I can't wait for Friday and tonight too! I was in a day dream until the elevator beeps and the doors open to reveal a very angry looking Brandon which drags me to his office. He sits me down on his desk and asks me.. "Will you go out with me? This Friday night?" All the anger has diminished from his face and he looks normal.
"I'm sorry Brandon but I'm busy Friday night." I apologize. "But-" I was interrupted by Brandon's seductive lips crushing mine.
"Josie, I want you to be mine, all mine not his." He whispers in my ear.
"But we're dating." I explain.
"Josie please just go on one date with me! I'm never felt this way towards a girl before!" He begs.
"Oh really? You trashed our friendship for Emma."  I state.
I watch as he becomes tense at the mention of her name.
"Listen Josie, that was a big mistake and I'm sorry about that, Emma left me anyways but I always loved you all along since the first day I met you in junior high school." His eyes look like he is really hurt.
"I'm sorry but I'm dating Mark and he a least gives a crap about me unlike you did!" I get up off his desk and grab my phone but he stops me before I can walk out the door.
"Not so fast Josie." He says as he pins me up against the wall.
He grips his hands on my waist and kisses my neck and leaves a love bite. I push him away and take the elevator down to the lobby to wait for Mark.

It's exactly 4:00 pm when Mark arrives outside Joleson Enterprises in his Black BMW. I grab my purse and run outside and jump into Mark's arms.
"Josie my baby girl!" Mark catches me and wraps his muscular arms around my waist.
I kiss him on the lips and he kisses me back.
We get inside his car and he asks "Baby girl what's that?" He pulls a strand of hair away from my neck.
"Where did you get a love bite from?" He asks suspiciously.
"Brandon, he started kissing my neck but I pushed him away and went down to the lobby to wait for you." I explain.
He cups my face in his hands and kisses me with so much passion.
He breaks the kiss and fires up the engine. I look down and notice that his hand is resting on my thigh.

About 30 minutes later we arrive at his mansion. He parks the car and walks around to get my door for me. He offers his hand which I accept and he helps me out of the car. We walk up to the gates of his mansion where two security guards stand on duty.
They move away and Mark unlocks the gate and we walk up the path to his mansion. Little lights light up the garden elegantly. Mark unlocks the door and let's me in and he follows close behind.

"Baby girl, follow me." He says seductively.
He grabs my hand in his and pulls me upstairs behind him.
I enter a huge bedroom and look around. There's a huge walk-in-closet, a giant bathroom, an armoire, dresser, office, couch, big screen tv, huge comfy bed and two night stands.
All of a sudden I feel myself being pushed and my back lands on a soft surface. Then I feel someone hovering over me. I look up and find Mark on top of me with his elbows resting on either side of me on the bed and then I realize that he's shirtless!
"Like what you see?" He asks huskily.
"Eh I've seen bet-" I am interrupted mid sentence by his lips crushing on mine. He flips us over so I'm on top and he keeps kissing me. He bites my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I deny him cuz I wanna tease him.
"Oh you wanna play that game?" He asks, smirking at me.
His hands travel down to my butt and he squeezes my butt. I gasp out of pleasure and he takes the chance to get in my mouth.

We kiss for a while after that and then I have a shower and change into a purple short-sleeved satin night dress that says "perfect imperfections" on it in sparkly silver letters and a v- neck neckline that reaches down to my mid thigh and I let my wet hair hang loose.
Mark walks into the bathroom and snakes his arms around my waist.
"Hey baby girl who's ready for dinner?" He asks.
"Me!" I say happily leaning into his warmth and taking in a breath of his intoxicating smell.

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