#1 | Lies

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Your body felt empty as you watched people walk around you, hugging friends with large smiles. Unfortunately, you had lost your smile that week. Everything just happened to go wrong, allowing your happiness to be non-existent.

A fast moving figure caught your eye as they grew closer. 

"You won't believe what happened," F/n started, her/his loss of breath was evident, when she/he reached you, "Apparently, C/n has a crush on me. I don't know the details but, his friend texted me about it last night."

"I'm happy for you." Your voice was horse as you forced a tight smile on your lips.

C/n had been a friend of yours for years, only recently your crush for a couple months. These feelings had become something uncalled for but it happen and wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon.

Your best friend, Bff/n, had joined the conversation, noticing the tension. 

"Y/n, you want to grab some food?" Bff/n carefully asked, her hand resting on your shoulder.

You nodded your head slightly, walking away from F/n. 

Your appetite had been lost, your stomach churning as you walked closer to the cafeteria. Lights surrounded you as your feet led you towards the savoury smells. 

"Y/n!" A familiar voice echoed from behind you. A look of annoyance in Bff/n's eyes. The trail of foot steps ended as C/n's shadow covered you.

His/Her e/c eyes were lit up by the lights and his/her h/c hair moved in the small gusts of air.

"Y/n, are you okay?" C/n asks, his/her voice full of worry. You wipe the tear away and look at the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Your mind screaming to get a grip. You start walking away, Bff/n following, her/his arm around you.

Bff/n had always been there for you, like a sister/brother. As you stumbled away you could sense C/n's eyes still watching you. You placed your hands against a tree you had climbed since you were younger. It was your happy place, a place you could get away from the world. Naturally, you start to climb, bff/n following your movements, before placing her/his hand on your knee.

"Y/n don't believe her/him. She/He's probably trying to make her/himself feel good." Bff/n says trying to reassure you. Nothing Bff/n said could help you. When you thought your week couldn't get any worse, something is there to crush your already shattered heart.

The leaves that surrounded the tree started you crumple under a pair of feet, this signalled for Bff/n to climb down the tree and join the unknown feet. Alongside the cool breeze and distant laughing, a quiet conversation joined. 

"Your kidding? He/she's an idiot. This is why I wanted to tell her/him myself." C/n huffed before pulling his/her body up into the tree.

"Y/n, don't believe what f/n said, its complete crap! I don't like her/him. I like you, a lot. My friend's are blind when it comes to knowing who's who." You could tell he/she was nervous, but his/her confidence was shining through. Your head was lifted by c/n's fingers. His/her e/c eyes were shimmering with nervousness as he/she waited for your response. A small smile started to tug on the side of your mouth as you spoke. 

"I like you too c/n." You said memorising his/her eyes, the shape of his/her lips, the shade of his/her skin colour.

As you locked eyes again your realised his/her eyes were drifting to your lips. Your cheeks turned a crimson colour as he started to close the gap lingering between your lips. Before you knew it his/her soft lips were on yours. Your lips were in synchronisation, as your kissed back.

He/She started to climb down the tree. Once his/her feet reached the ground he/she held his/her hand out. You started to climb down. Your feet reaching the ground softly. Your smile mimicked his/her's.

"So does this mean we're a thing now?" C/n asked with a smile from ear to ear.

"Why not!" You replied hugging him.

"Yes that's cute, but everyone is heading in now and we need to go." Bff/n said tugging at your wrist. You looked at c/n as he took your hand and smiled.

'Ok then.' You say starting to walk towards the door to enter the building hand in hand with your boyfriend.


Hello everyone,
Thank you for reading. This is my first book so if it sucks im sorry.Please vote and comment any suggestions or requests.
Hanza xxx

Edit (09/09/2017):

So, I'm going through my imagines and editing them because they are CRINGE!

When I first started to update, i was not expecting that many reads but as of now Im at around 40.7k reads. 

Guys, thank you so much!!

Anyway, I'm planning on calling this book complete when I hit 50 imagines. 

(if you have a problem with that, then please DM me. Opinions are much appreciated)

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