#52 | Chapter 38 Spin-off

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Tears clouded my vision as I looked at him. At the guy, I had been falling for, yet he loves another. Another girl. My best friend. That's when I broke, "You can't!"

"What do you mean I can't? Since when could you control my feelings?" He spat back at me. Other things had been thrown back and forth, most of it I couldn't remember.

"Tell me! Tell me why I can't ask her out." C/n had demanded, our study notes crumpled beneath us.

"I like you! That's why that's why you can't dating her because it's not fair to see my best friend and know that she's the reason why I could never make a move!"

"Well sorry to break it to you, Y/n. But life isn't fair. I'm not going to put my feelings on hold because yours are more important! I'm going to do it and you can't stop me!" C/n yelled before grabbing his things as he stood up before continuing, "If you can't be happy with me, then I guess this is goodbye."

"Goodbye? Why is this goodbye?"

"Because I can't have people that destroy my happiness surrounding me."

"What so you're gonna say goodbye? I could get over this if that meant that you were happy. But you're prepared to give everything we have, for Y/b/f?! You know what! If that's how it's gonna be, I'm not gonna waste my time on someone so pathetic as you!" I spat, venom laced in my words, "I don't need you! And I hope your new girlfriend realizes how much a douche you are!" That was obviously the last straw cause he was gone.

There I sat, my books crumpled, tears cascading down my cheeks. I had lost the only guy I cared for. On cue, the clouds opened allowing my tears to blend within the rain. I became cold, my hair sticking to the sides of my face. I didn't bother to move, what was the point anymore. I lost C/n, and no doubt my best friend. A loud sob escaped my lips as I became lost in thought.

The sun started to set behind the horizon as I pushed the front door to my house open. My mascara had stained my cheeks, as were my eyes bloodshot. I walked up the hallway, ignoring the questions that leapt at me. I entered my room, collapsing on my bed, sobs starting again. It wasn't long before I had fallen asleep like that; tear-stained cheeks, puffy eyes, exhausted.

The vibrant sun pierced through the window, awakening me from my deep slumber. I reluctantly pushed myself away from the bed, and onto my clothed feet. Stumbling, I reached my drawer, changing my crumpled jeans with a pair of black skinny jeans. I pulled a dark sweater over my head, before running my fingers through my hair, tying it off with a hairband. I picked my backpack off the floor and walked out of my room, dark under eyes and all.

"Y/n, you hungry?" My mother asked as I walked towards the door. I stopped, my pale hand clutching the silver doorknob. I stared at the oak door, my mind blank. I huffed quietly before walking to the pink fruit bowl and stealing an apple.

"Bye," I grumbled before walking out of the door. Slouching, I walked past the bus stop. I continued walking towards the school. After what felt like a couple minutes, I had made contact with my locker. My fingers twisted the lock, the door swinging open when I finished the combo. I stared at my books. Everything had lost colour, everything looked boring. I pulled my textbooks out before slamming the door closed and turning to walk to class.

I stumbled past groups of people, no apologies escaping my lips as I collided with someone's shoulder. I looked up from my feet, making eye contact with C/n. My heart broke even more as I wondered if this was it. Was depressed looks from across the hallway all that we were going to be?

I broke the eye contact, walking faster towards the hallway doors. My hand reached out, making contact with the silver door, pushing it open. A feeling of anger and sadness filled my chest as I stormed out of the school and into the parking lot. I continued my forceful pace towards the field, the sky overcast. I reached the green grass, a blossoming tree beside me. 

My books left my grip as I screamed, throwing the paper at the tree. Hot tears rushed down my cheeks, my fist now pounding the wood. The tree shook but kept its stance tall. I turned, my back resting on the trunk, as I slid down. I sat, knees resting against my chest as I held my head in my hands, sobs now racking my body.

I looked around me, books and papers scattered across the dew coated grass. I groaned, my chest aching. So this is what heartbreak feels like?

"Y/n?" The dreaded voice spoke. I saw red as I looked at him.

"What? Did Y/b/f not live up to your standard? Did you realise how this was going to affect us? Did you realise that our friendship is over, that we're nothing anymore? Cause I have, I knew this the second you stood up and left, the moment you confessed your feelings for her, the minute I decided to say something when I should have kept my big mouth shut!" I raved, now standing, our eyes level.

"I said everything because I thought you would reject me. I was scared that I was going to destroy what we are, but it seems that I made it worse by lying." C/n spoke, his eyes glossing.

"Wow, so this is what we have become. Lies to cover our feelings because that's supposed to fix everything?! Well-" It wasn't long before C/n's lips met mine, his hands gripping my waist. My fingers tangled in his hair.

"No, because I'm never lying to you again." He mumbled, slowly pulling away.

I sighed a mix of frustration and lust, trying to organise the mess in my head.

"Good. I can't afford to lose you again."


There we go.

Chapter 38 with a happy ending, requested by @ImVeryJungShook  @Cooliolove_swag  _lizzie_black_

Hope you all enjoy xx

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