#29 | Request

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You sat on one of the seats that were in 2 rows. You knee bouncing up and down profusely. It had been 4 years since you moved away from your best friend. What was he going to look like? What was he going to think of you? As more questions raced around your mind, you became more anxious.
"You look like me when I saw my husband. I was about 15. Very very anxious, but very excited." an older woman spoke grabbing your attention.
"What happened after?" You asked.
"Well, at the time we were best friends and now I'm waiting for him. He went and visited our son and his children." she smiled at the thought.
"So, it was all 'happily ever after' for you?"
"No, we fought a bit, it was little things but the fights brought us together." She sighed placing her soft hand on your knee, "Don't be scared, he's scared too. Now, make the most of your time together." and with that she stood up and walked towards an older man, his eyes squinting as he embraced her. Your heart fluttered at the thought of you and Marvin living together after you graduate.
"MJ3763 is landing at Gate 3!" The loud speaker spoke braking you from your trance. You stood up and slowly made your way over to the gate as people flooded out of the door and into their loved ones arms. You stood on the tips of your toes to spot Marvin. Then a pair of gorgeous blue eyes matched with jet black hair stood out among the crowd.
"Luna?!" he cried, pulling his luggage behind him.
"Marvin!" I cried back running towards the figure I loved and missed so much. Once in his arms, the tears flowed freely.
"Hey, I'm here." he whispered lifted my head up to look at him.
"You are." I smiled.
"You lost your glasses? And your braces, there weren't suppose to come of until next month?" he asked looking me up and down. I had ditched my glasses for contacts and got my brakes removed and replaced with a retainer and plate.
"Uh, yeah!" I chuckled. There was a slight look of sadness in his eyes.
"Come on." I laughed pulling him out of the crowd. He had grown. He was taller, more handsome in my view. But i hadn't changed, matter of fact, i was and still am the nerd that was teased before I moved and after I moved. It was like a label was on my forehead telling people to pick on me cause I'm a "Nerd". Marvin on the other hand had a label of "Instant popularity" and managed to fit in all most instantly as soon as he walked into the school gates.

I opened my locker to see a note float down the ground. I reached down to pick it up.

Nerd, I left my homework in your locker. Do it or I'll tell the whole school about you crush on Marvin.

It wasn't a surprise that I had gotten this note.

"Hey Luna, so I was invited to hang with the boys. You wanna join?" he asked leaning against the locker next to me.
"Can't, homework." I muttered, slamming the locker door shut, both sets of homework in hand.
"That's all yours?!" he asked taking the books from my arms.
"This isn't yours. Are people making you do- their bullying you?" he asked, tears glistening in his eyes. All I could do was nod. Then a snickering arose from behind me.
"Hey! Listen up. I may be knew and may not know a lot of people. But I'd rather hang out with Luna and burn your homework with her than hang out with a bunch of losers like you. You need to leave Luna alone, she never did anything to you." he spoke, turning to the girls behind me. The girls walked away in disgust as Marvin dumped their books in the bin.

"Thanks Marvin." I whispered.

"Anytime, Luna."


Hope you liked it.

This is dedicated to: 5soslover-Tomboy

Wasn't sure if you wanted anything else.

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