#23 | Modern Day Mary (Christmas) pt.1

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A warm caffeinated drink trickled down my throat as I placed my red Starbucks holiday cup on the worn oak bench. The smell of Christmas filled my nose as the feeling of Christmas surrounded me. I cuddled into my red Christmas sweater that sat comfortably under neath my beige winter coat. A maroon colored scarf wrapped around my neck. Dark blue jeans hugged my legs, and a grey pair of ugg boots to complete the look. My hair were in loose curls sitting just below my shoulders. I looked down at my phone. It sat face down, but the beautiful Christmas case faced up at me.

I watched as people walked in from the cold. A group of 4 walked in. 2 boys 2 girls. They giggled between themselves. Then my eyes snapped back to the door. A couple walked in this time. They held hands flirting with each other up to the counter before ordering. Time passed as I sat and watched. It had been at least 2 and a half hours when a waitress approached me. I looked up, a warm smile on the young girls face. Her beautiful wavy brown hair sat above her shoulders. Her dark brown eyes were filled with joy.
"Are you waiting for anyone?" Her smooth voice asked as she placed her small hands on the table.
"No. I'm just here. It feels like Christmas in here." I replied taking a deep breath.
"Well, if you want any company? I come off shift in 30 minutes." The waitress offered. I nodded my head slightly, gesturing that I accepted her offer. She smiled and walked back over to the counter. I looked back out the window and watched as people walked around the center town Christmas tree. Young children hung handmade ornaments onto the tree, then would run back to their parents with large grins on there faces. I watched as one young girl with long blonde hair, that had been braided, run over to quite a young man. Maybe too young to be a father. All though I couldn't say anything, I was pregnant myself, but I hadn't had sex, nor was I a mother for a woman who couldn't be one. It just happened.

Multiple dreams about a newborn in my arms had occurred. I lied on a hospital bed. I would look up expecting to see my partner, only to see the midwife smiling at me. Suddenly everything would slowly change, to me standing at my parents house. A Christmas wreath on the door. The door would slowly open to show my parents with anger in there eyes. My mother would yell, "How could you! After everything we taught you, and you still betray us!" I would try to apologize, but they wouldn't accept. They would just continue yelling at me. Tears pricked at my eyes. Then I would wake up. Only a couple days ago my best friend, y/bff/n, entered my room with a large envelope telling me that it was from the local doctor. I hadn't visited, I was in perfect condition. We sat on the couch. Y/bff/n sat next to me watching as I opened the envelope. I pulled two pieces of paper out. The first page was a letter addressed to me from a doctor. It explained that they had done a pregnancy test for me. The test was positive. On the second page it had the results.

"How are you pregnant?" y/bff/n asked me. I shook my head, confusion filling my mind. My heart started to race as my vision became blurry. My breathing sped up. And in a matter of seconds I was having a panic attack. y/bff/n took the paper from me and started to calm me down. How could i be pregnant?

I'm still a virgin...


So, I typed this chapter on a computer for the first time. So there's probably going to be less grammar/spelling mistakes.

This is kinda based on Jesus's mother Mary, and how she was a virgin.

I wanted to do something related to Christmas. I started to write more expecting it to be about something else (I'm not sure what).

But then I change the title to this.

So, I hope you enjoy.


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