#7 | Mini Camp

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"OMG I'm sooooo excited!" you yelled as you jumped on y/bff shoulder. It was a youth event that your youth group had created and it was your second time going but you still were super excited about it.
"Y/N! Calm down." y/bff said placing her hands on your shoulders. You looked her in the eyes and took a deep breath when the youth pastor called to everyone.

"Alright everyone. I want you to find a pair." you grouped up with y/bff.
"Now in pairs join another pair to make 4 people." you then joined up with your two other friends.
"Now in your groups of 4 join another group of 4, which by my calculations should make.... 9!" he yelled counting his fingers acting dumb. Everyone giggled then join another group.

You joined up with another group of 4 which included 3 of your friends and one of their friends.
"Once you have found your group of 8 sit down and some people with come around with strips of fabric for your team." the pastor called. As your team sat down a young lady came around and handed you a bag of yellow fabric and continued walking around handing out bags. After handing it out and wrapping it around your wrist. A young man came around and led your team into a room which had a computer and a projector with a game of Pokemon covering the wall.

"I've got this!" you called walking towards the computer. You loved Pokemon and honestly this room was your favorite activity. After 10 mins of play Pokemon and the rest of your team helping you it was time to move on to the next challenge that was a course. It consisted of tires that you had to climb through and an army net that you had to climb under. Then a tarp with tuna and sardines under it which you had to climb under. As you started to climb through the tires you look to your side to find 2 boys pegging water balloons your way. One of the boys looked behind you and started to peg a water balloon at y/bff. The other boy stayed throwing water balloons at you. You crawled under the army net and sat on your knees and found a balloon that hadn't popped yet. You pick the balloon in your hand and gave the boy an evil grin. You stood up and ran after him with the water balloon in hand. You reached a short distance between you two when you threw the balloon at his back which then exploded letting water soak his back. He looked back at you and started to chase you. After a couple of minutes it was time to switch activities.

You were sent to cricket. You weren't the best at cricket but that didn't bother you. You climbed some rocks and watched as the boy, which you still didn't know his name, bat. After a couple of minutes y/bff appeared next to you soaking in water. She handed you a water balloon and you looked at the boy who you started to gave feelings for. You climbed down the rocks and snuck up behind him a popped the water balloon above his head. He snapped his head to you and you started to run from him. After  running from him for a couple of minutes he gives up and goes back to playing cricket.

You say back up on the rocks when y/bff and the other boy sits next to you.
"What are their names?" you ask y/bff not taking your eyes of the boy playing cricket.
"C/n and c/f/n. They are brothers" she said looking at you.
"hmm" you reply still focused on c/n. Then you feel warm slow breaths on the back of your ear as a voice spoke.
"You and c/n would be cute together." you turned to find      c/f/n behind you with a Mischievous grin on his face. You giggle and turn back to face c/n. "Maybe?" you mumble to yourself nearly audible for anyone else to hear.

You climbed down and walked towards a water fountain to get some water when you feel cold liquid running down your back. You turn to see c/n holding a cup upside down. You blushed and ran off to get some water. On the other hand y/bff and c/f/n were messing around with each other.

Time passed when it became 10 mins until the dj disco party started. You got changed and saw c/n hanging out with another girl. Of course he wouldn't like someone like you. You walked away and sighed. After the dj disco party It was time for everyone to go home. As you waited for y/bff parents to pick her up c/n and c/f/n appeared next to you.
"Hey are you coming to youth next week?" c/n asked.
"Yeah! Are you coming to our youth group next week?" you asked hoping for a yes.
"Yeah!" c/n replied with a twinkle in his eye.

"c/n mums here. Bye y/n, bye y/bff." c/f/n called walking towards the car.
"Bye y/n see you next week." c/n said smiling as he walked away.
"Bye" you mumbled to yourself filled with happiness. Then y/bff starts to nudge you in the arm.
"naww look who's got a crush!"
"I guess I do" you replied watching the boys drive away.

What do you think of this one?
I actually changed the name of them so I don't repeat the same imagine. If you want to request go ahead just private message me details and I'll make it happen.
Thanks so much for reading
    Hanza xx

I refuse to edit this one cause its too cringe to edit let alone read.

I'm shuddering

I'm shuddering

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