#20 | request

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I walked into the school gates, my head down as I texted my best friend Caelen. I looked up every now and again just to make sure I was walking in the right direction.
C- Oi look up! I looked up following Caelen's command. There stood Caelen with a big toothy grin plastered to her face.
"Hello." I greeted her as she turned to stand next to me.
"Hey!" Caelen replied with an extremely happy tone in her voice.
"What can I help you with?" I asked walking over to our lockers.
"Nothing." Caelen continued. I slowed down to a stop and held the lock in my hand.

I turned the knobs until the lock unlocked. I slipped the lock off the locker and watched as it swung open. Suddenly my eyes were following a note that swiftly fell through the air.
"Do you have anything-" I turned to the left expecting to see Caelen only to be startled by him. Jesse. He stood 1.5 inches taller than me, mind you I'm short, leaning on Caelen's locker.
"Actually, I did. I need you to come to my place this afternoon to work on our assessment. What do ya say?" Jesse asked breaking me out of my daydream.

I nodded my head slightly at his words as I opened the letter that had fallen.
"Yeah sure." The letter contained his number and his address. I was going to his house this afternoon.
"What time?" I asked slowly looking at Jesse.
"4?" He replied. I nodded smiling.
"Alright I'll let you go. I gotta talk to Lindsey." Jesse gulped, nervousness in his voice. Lindsey was his girlfriend.
"Good luck?" I spoke not sure if he wanted it.
"Yeah, I'm gonna need it." He breathed as he saw Lindsey walking towards us.

He straightened up and started walking towards his bitchy girlfriend. I sighed and turned back to face my locker.
"OMG! He basically asked you on a study date!" Caelen squealed into my ear.
"Its just an assessment that we just happened to be paired for." I corrected slamming the locker door closed with my textbooks in hand. I held my head down, my eyes slammed shut. Jealousy taking over my mind. I had this crush on Jesse since the day I was moved into the english class, 1 year level above me because for some reason the principal thought I was too smart for my year level.

I gathered all my thought and threw my head up, my eyes snapping open, and started to walk to my math class not wanting to hear the 'awe' from everyone that surrounded Jesse and Lindsey as they sucked the life out of each others face.
"Mac! You need to see this!" Caelen whispered turned my view to Lindsey yelling at Jesse.
"Wow." I breathed and watched as Jesse push Lindsey off him.
"We're done! You hear me, this is done. Finito!" Jesse yelled, pointing at Lindsey then himself.

"What just happened?" I breathed, shock covering my face.
"I think Jesse just broke up with her." Caelen whispered to me.
"No. Way." I whispered admiring the way Jesse walked away from Lindsey and towards me. Wait! Towards me? Reality hit me when Jesse took my hand and pulled me alongside him.
"What happened?" I asked trying to walk at his pace.
"Lindsey's been cheating on me for the past month." Jesse answered still pulling me through the school. Suddenly we had stopped. It was just us alone.

I looked at Jesse who had a tear rolling down his cheek.
"I gave her everything and this is what she repays me with?" Jesse spoke heartbreak in his voice.
"Its ok. It was her loss, not yours." I whispered wiping the tear away with my thumb. Jesse looked up at me. His glossy eyes looking into mine. Then his lips were on mine. I had been in such a daydream that I didn't notice the space between us disappear. I slowly kissed back, his soft lips moulding into mine. His right hand held my neck as his left slipped down to my waist pulling me closer towards him. Jesse pulled back still holding my waist close to him. A small smile tugged on my lips as I realized what had actually happened.

"Your right, she lost me. While I gained the most beautiful woman alive."

There ya go! To be honest, the picture at the top has nothing to do with this imagine but ya know.....

Anyway I hope you really enjoyed it rileaann I loved writing this one.

If you want a request like this one, just private message me with;
•What you want to happen.

Thanks for reading


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