#2 | Movie night

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"All right class, remember to finish your homework by Monday." Mr/Mrs T/n said to the class. It was the last session of the week and you just really wanted to get home. 

 Soon enough the bell rang signalling for the end of school. You started to gather your books together.

As you opened, a familiar voice followed behind you.

"Hey y/n, are you free tonight?" C/n asked you, his locker opening next too yours.

"Yeah I think so, why's that?" You ask c/n, turning to face him.

"I just wanted to see if you wanted to come to my house for a movie?" Nervousness in his voice as he looked at his textbooks.

"Sure. How about 7!" You replied startled but excited. 

"Okay, I'll see you then" he said handing you a piece of paper with his details on it before walking away.

Slamming your locker closed, you ran to your house.

"Mom, I'm going to C/n's house tonight. I'll be home by 10!" You called into the house as you threw you bag on the kitchen counter. After running into your room, you had found a comfy/cute outfit to wear before fixing your h/c hair.

Once you arrived at his house you stood at the door trying to sort your excitement and nervousness together. 

Knocking your knuckles on the door, you waited hesitantly of what will happen. In no time c/n opened the door with the cheerful smile you adored.

"Hey y/n! You just on time, the pizza arrived not long a go." C/n said, excitement laced into his words. He stepped aside, allowing you inside. As you walked past,  your hand brushed against his which brought your attention to his e/c eyes that were full of excitement.

It wasn't long before you had settles on (your favourite movie). 

It was nearing the last scene of the movie when c/n slipped his arm around your waist, you responding with resting your head on his shoulder.

The end credits started to run as C/n started to giggle at the bloopers that ran alongside the small words.

"What are you laughing at?" You giggled, pushing his lightly.

"You have an amazing taste in movies." C/n laughed, small pieces of popcorn and sweets on the floor that surrounded you. A laugh erupted from your lips, as your noticed the mess.

You looked over at C/n, his laughter dying down.

C/n's e/c caught yours, naturally moving closer to each other.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" C/n said cautious for your consent.

"Of course its okay with me." You agreed, you cheeks burning. Then c/n placed his lips on yours. 

The kiss wasn't rough but was soft and passionate. Instantly, you kissed back, your lips were in sync and you didn't want to part. As you pulled away you rested your head on his shoulder and just cuddled is silence not an awkward silence, just a comforting silence that you always enjoyed.


Hey everyone!
Thanks for reading.
Private message me for request or suggestions. Remember to vote!!
Hanza xxx

Edit (09/09/2017):

This one was also cringe.

So, American Assassin is coming out on Thursday (today's saturday) and I'M PUMPED!!

Like Dylan O'brien is in it!!

I'm just gonna leave this with you... (Below)

And another one

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And another one....

And another one

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okay good bye...

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