#45 | Request

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"Cheyenne?!" A familiar voice called from down the corridor. I had received 2 backstage passes, obviously inviting my crush, Justin, along to see one of my old friends perform in his boy-band. 

"Niall!" I squealed before running and leaping into his arms. It had been a good year since i had last seen him. He wore the same cologne that he did the last time saw each other.

"I'm so glad you could make it. I've missed your adorable face way to much." Niall mumbled, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

"I've missed you too." I smiled, slowly releasing him from my embrace. A grin covered both mine and his face. 

"Oh, Justin. This is Niall. Niall, this is Justin." I smiled, introducing the two of the boys. 

The atmosphere became tense as the boys squared each other. 

"We should head out, uh, get a good place for the show." I stuttered, pulling Justin away from Niall.

"We'll see you soon." I called before pulling Justin into the arena.

"What was that?!" I asked, anger laced into my words.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Justin! You were eyeing Niall like he was a treat!" I stopped in my tracks.

I wanted to get this discussion over as fast as possible, so that we could enjoy our night. But by the looks of it, that was far from happening.

"Can't this wait?" Justin retorted. 

"No it can't wait! I want to have a good time with the guy I like, but I can't because he's too busy getting jealous over an old friend of mine!" I vented, realising it was too late to take back my confession.

"I thought you would have like him, he's famous right?" Justin spoke, his voice calm.

"No, because with him I can't have a normal friendship without rumours spreading like wildfire. Justin, I can only handle what I have, and that isn't Niall, it's you." I confessed, my cheeks burning up.

"Really, me?" Justin asked, his insecurity becoming obvious.

I just nodded, my fingers interlacing with his. 

"So, don't get jealous, I'm too busy admiring you to be admiring someone else." After that answer we had found our spot amongst the crowd.

The music deafened my ears, as did the screaming from most of the crowd. 

Justin's hands gripped tighter when Niall looked down at me.

I turned slightly, leaning into Justin.

"Remember, he's the friend, you're the love interest." I reminded him. 

His hands loosened a bit, but remained on my hips as I swayed along with the beat.

"Aren't we glad the feelings are mutual, or this would be awkward." Justin spoke before placing a soft kiss to my cheek. 

"I'm flattered, to say the least." I laughed, enjoying the company of the one I cared so much about.


I'm really not too sure where I took this, kinda just wrote.

Quick one:

Does anyone know a website that I can easily download movies off the internet??

I'm going on camp and I want to download a couple movies to watch, so if you do comment or DM me.

This one is for  

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