#33 | Skype

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"Hey, Sweets." You smiled, your eyes glued to the laptop screen.

"Hey. How are you?" He smiled back, his smile still vibrant. His e/c bright. His h/c hair messily rested on his forehead.

"Good. I'm definitely tired. What about you?" You responded, your e/c slightly darker from the lack of sleep.

"Getting better, the apartment is very quiet. I miss you."

"I miss you too. But don't frown too much, I'll be visiting in 3 weeks." You smiled, his sadness shattered your heart. You had been offered a scholarship to Yale, C/n wanted you to take the offer, he said that he could make the long distance relationship work. That meant a lot of texting and Skyping. It was hard though, the empty space beside you at night, the loneliness was unbelievable.

"I can't wait that long." C/n sighed, "I miss you too much."

"Well, can I just say, that I might bring something back for you." You smirked.

"Can I get hint?" His eyes glittered.

"Sweets, I'm bringing candy home. Don't get too excited." You laughed. A sudden cold breeze fell upon you as you came back to reality of being alone. You weren't next to him, his arms weren't wrapped around you.

"You okay, Love?" C/n asked, his eyes filled with worry. You slowly nodded in response.

"Tell me what's on your mind." He whispered, as you moved the laptop beside your head as you lied on your side, your warm blanket now covering your frame as you rested on the pillow.

"I just feel lonely. I don't know too many people here, and yeah I have my roommate, but she's always at a frat party. I work so hard on my subjects, cause I know at any point the University could just end the scholarship and I'll have to leave. Babe, I love that I'm one step closer to my dream, but I'm not sure if it's worth leaving you at home." You ranted, the heavy burden on your chest slowly lifting.

"Don't stress it, you're nearly on your break, then you can come home and relax, we can go on our adventures like we used to." C/n smiled.

“Yeah? Can we go to the pier when I get back?” You asked, a soft smile on your lips and your eyelids became heavier with each longing breath. Little did you know that behind C/n was an empty apartment, everything packed into boxes. C/n had bought a flat out near Yale.

The rest of the night was filled with "I miss you" and "I love you" as you slowly fell asleep to the soft sounds of C/n's voice.


So I'm going on holidays for 2 weeks on Friday, so I should be posting more!

I know I'm lacking at this but I'm trying to get back into the gist of it.

This idea was suggested by Smol-human-bean

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