#36 | Request

836 11 1

When she walked passed everyone gasped.

When she walked passed she had changed.

When she walked passed, her hair was long and straight, a pastel pink color.

When she walked passed, the boys jaws were dropping, her thin legs, wrapped in black skinny jeans, strutted towards the school exit.

When she walked passed her black leather jacket complimented her jeans.

When she walked passed, she entered an expensive looking car, everyone still awestruck about her changes.

When she entered her house, she sighed, her new white Adidas shoes rested messily beside the door frame.

Her hair now tied in a messy bun as her style of walking changed to a slight slouch. She entered the bathroom, a makeup wipe in hand, as she removed the caked make up off her skin. She soon moved closer to the mirror, removing her contacts from her eyes, replacing them with glasses. She changed her jeans and leather jacket to a pair of grey sweats and a white shirt. She walked out of the bathroom, the old her. The old teen that was bullied on a daily basis and for the first time, she was complimented instead of insulted. She walked to her bedroom, collapsing on the bed. If this was how to stop the self esteem destroying remarks, then she had no problem in dressing, acting like someone new.

"Amanda! Hatch is here." The girls mother called from the kitchen. Hatch's footsteps grew louder as he walked to Amanda's room.

"Hey." He smiled as he sat at the end of her bed.

"Hi." She whispered.

"What was that?" Hatch asked, cutting to the point.

"What was what?"

"The new look. You were gone 1 day, and now you're a new person!? This isn't the girl I know. Where did she go?" He asked, tears glossing his eyes.

"Well, you're going to have to get used to get used to the new Amanda, because the old one stays at home." Amanda huffed, the boy that sat at the end of here bed was the only boy she cared for. The only boy that held her fragile heart.

"Well, I hate this new 'Amanda'. She's not the girl I like, she's not the girl I've had a crush on for the past 3 years." Hatch blurted. Amanda's wide eyes met his.


"I have a crush on you Amanda, and this new you is not the Amanda I like." His eyes searched her face for an answer. Amanda didn't move. She had been teased most her life, how was she supposed to believe him.

"Plan B it is." Hatch muttered, his hand now latched to Amanda's, as he pulled her off the bed and to the pile of new clothes. His free hand picked the fabric off the floor before throwing it in the bin. He led Amanda down the hall and into the bathroom.

"This is Amanda. Pink hair or not, she does not wear make up or contacts. You've never liked contacts." He spoke pointing to the mirror. Amanda's eyes watched the figure in front of her.

"I want this girl to be my girlfriend, not some fake." Hatch looked at Amanda.

"You want me, to be your Girlfriend?" Amanda questioned, her voice quiet.

"Yes, I want you to be my girlfriend. I'm sorry for not being there for you when I should have been, but I've realized that I'll do anything to keep you." A sad smile on his lips and he looked into Amanda's eyes. A small chuckle left Amanda's lips as she hug Hatch, her head resting on his chest.

"So, that's a yes?"


So, I've been lazy.

But I'm posting this.

this is for 

Sorry this has taken WAY too long to post, I lost your request within the pile I had.

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