Charlotte: "The New Recruit"

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I sit back in my chair, ready to watch Draco become a death eater. I wish I had some popcorn, because this is just going to be so enjoyable. The other death eaters would kill me for thinking that, but I like popcorn so I don't care. I'm the only mudblood death eater. Of course I'm ashamed, who would want to be a mudblood? Who could be a proud Granger! At least I don't do by Charlotte, no I'm Lottie, lord Voldemort's death eater. Hermione and Isabal can't tell me what to do. When the time comes I'm picking Slytherin no matter how much they don't want me.

I wonder if Draco's going to die. You would if you were unloyal to the dark lord. Madeline and Draco don't know how lucky they are to be pure blood. Erica wearing red at anytime? Has she no shame! The brand Voldemort gives you is a test of loyalty, to show how much you'd do for him. The more loyal the less pain. I'm proud to say that I barely screamed, and besides Bellatrix and Snape, I screamed the least. No one's ever not screamed as everyone's had insecurities about the dark lord. With Bellatrix it was probably love, as it's obvious that she loves the dark lord and not her husband Roldolpus. Who'd love Roldolpus anyway? But Draco's uncle can't be here because Lucius got at least ten of them captured. That's probably why Draco's becoming a death eater, in revenge of Lucius's failure.

Draco steps forward and rolls up his left sleeve. Voldemort presses the tip of his dull bone colored wand to his arm, making Draco wither and scream. I laugh at the childish screams, the only person reacting besides Bellatrix, the dark lord and Narcissa. Bellatrix sits beside her sister laughing with Voldemort and me, laughing at Draco's cowardly unloyalty. Narcissa sits beside me sobbing quietly, whispering "My son, my only son." Her cries  drowned out by the two chuckling people that she's sandwiched between. Draco's trying to escape now, yelling in utter agony. I listen to his screams smiling, and trying to imagine how he feels. I hear a noise from above me, probably Madeline and Erica, curious about what's going on. I wonder if they can hear his shrieks.

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