Luka: "Chaser Trio"

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Author's note:  In case you haven't realized (I know you most definitely did) "*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* " means a time skip has happened. If you see a time skip before a part it means that all there was a time skip of a couple weeks or so before a part started. This is set a little after everyone has settled in a bit and knows each other a bit better. Also while your reading, I want to give a shout out to huho123, UnicornErica, X1J1NP1NG, lollypoplover75 and ali_0498 for all the votes and support. Thanks for reading and enjoy the part.


The first week of school has been crazy, but what everyone's really been looking forward to is Quidditch. This morning is the Slytherin tryouts and the great hall is full of excitement on the Slytherin side. The Gryffindors are chattering too, but more in a plotting kind of way.

"We should go to the pitch and see what we can, Harry!"

"What if we figured out their best moves before the first match?"

"Let's hope they don't get any decent chasers."

"Malfoy will probably be terrible at picking decent players, maybe we have hope!"

"We should see if they have terrible brooms!"

"I have snacks!" A random fifth year announces. Everyone turns to look at them. This is the first unrelated-to-tryouts comment all morning. Finally. "What? We need our energy if we want to spy effectively!" Still Quidditch related.

I smirk at Erica and Joseph, loading my plate with more bacon. "Like we need anymore energy, we're jumping off the walls with excitement."

Erica laughs. "Well, at least people are supportive of their house teams. I just want to see if Madeline gets on the team."

"She's trying out? What for?" I mumble through a mouthful of crispy bacon rinds.

Erica cringes at my full mouth. "Not sure."

"Didn't you guys say she's got a seeker's build? I don't think Draco will let her take his role as seeker though, do you?" Joseph says conversationally.

"Nah, she won't go for seeker. She says she's bad at finding stuff." Erica replies.

"I am bad at finding stuff!" A voice behind us exclaims. We turn round to see a smiling Madeline. Madeline's robes are in a real state and her tie appears to be done in a very hasty knot. Her hair is a complete mess and her glasses look bent.

"What have you been up to?" I joke, "Been talking with Katelyn?"

"No muffin boy," She responds with a snigger. I smile.

"How's the-?" I cut myself off when I look at Joseph and Erica. "Stuff, coming along?"

"Defense against the dark arts stuff?" She grins, eyes twinkling at the mention of our upcoming prank. "Yeah, it's okay." She pokes Erica, making her flinch. "Move you guys so I can sit." Erica and Joseph shuffle down a bit. The Gryffindors mutter darkly, with nervous glances all round. They can't plot with her here. Harry watches her suspiciously. He still doesn't trust her because she's a Malfoy.

"What defense against the dark arts stuff?" Erica asks.

"Nothing much... nothing that I can say at least," Madeline teases. I smile. It's fun knowing something that others don't.

"Why not?" Erica inquires, raising an eyebrow at her cousin.

"That would ruin the surprise..."

"Madeline-" Erica begins before Madeline interrupts.

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