Catherine: "A Pinch Of Friends, A Bowl Of Gossip"

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Diagon alley feels so empty. I stare out the grimy window of my mother's store, (Madame Malkin's Robes for All Occasions) mournfully wishing to see my friends. Normally the paths are crowded on the day before school starts, but obviously not today. The cobbled pavement is more crowded than it's been all summer, with small groups of people going about their business. No one shops alone, not with you-know-who on the move.

"Cath I need your help!" I cringe at the uncool nickname. I've told mom to call me Cat many times. My black kitten slinks over to me, rubbing itself against my legs. "Catherine! Right now please!" I sigh. I run down the stairs to the store, leaving our small apartment like house above it.

"Coming." Then I smile. "Madeline?" She nods at my acknowledgment. She's not exactly my friend, but we are nice to each other and we talk a lot. Plus she's company. I guess she is kind of a friend, just not a close one. Then I realize something is wrong. Madeline looks so pale, the shine in her eyes is gone and so is her smile. Draco doesn't seem to be wearing his trademark sneer and both he and Narcissa have puffy eyes. Erica, Madeline's cousin, is patting her shoulder.

"Can you get those two young ladies fitted with Hogwarts robes, Catherine? I'll help this young gentleman." Mom says.

"Sure." I need to know what's up anyway. "Come on you two." Once Madeline's sitting down and I've started pinning her robes I ask, "Okay, what's up?"

Erica sighs. "She hasn't told me. We had to leave so fast, besides I don't think she can tell."

"No. I can't." Madeline answers flatly. There's definitely something bothering her. Then she smiles. "I don't care anymore, I can sulk and rant later." She admits, "It's so good to see you Cat! How's your friends?" I know Madeline doesn't know any of my friends, but she asks anyway.

"Haven't seen them actually." I admit, grateful for someone to talk to. I'm very gossipy and talkative without friends I'd be doomed, at least I'll have Madeline and Erica at Hogwarts. "The times are scaring everyone."

"Dad's fault probably. " Madeline jokes, "Or maybe it's the murderous guy that has a gang of psychotic death eaters on the loose? Some name like Voldy right? Or was is Noseless?"

"Don't joke about such things. You'll- I mean you could-"

"Get killed?" Madeline asked, "Cat, have you seen the news? My father's in Askaban! What worse could happen?" Her voice drops to a whisper, "He's a death eater and you know it." She seems so sad about it, even though her father's been terrible to her and Draco. Maybe that's what's bothering her.

"I'm surprised you care." Erica admits, "after all he's done."

"No, he's my father. Plus, Narcissa could be next then what becomes of us?" Madeline reminds her cousin. Madeline has never really thought of her parents as mom and dad. Erica and her are close though. The bell rings. "Let's go see who that is." Madeline says excitedly.

"Sure," I grin, "I'm up for the classic Madeline mischief."

"Very funny Cat."

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