Brianne: "Lovers Always Find A way"

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I'm currently gazing at the raging sea, wondering how in the world I'll escape this prison. The waves leap higher than ever before, lightning crackling, thunder rippling through the air and echoing off the walls of the bleak, triangular prison. The rain pours down harder than ever, thudding against me and the window. Normally I'd be hiding against the back of the cell, trying not to get wet. But not tonight. I love thunder storms.

The visiting rooms are on the outside of the prison facing the endless stretch of ocean so visitors can see out the windows. Prisoners that don't have cells with windows look forward to visits so they can see the outside. Normally though, the visiting rooms are empty. Next to me is the more fancy visiting room, one for 'guests' that are more rich. I guess I'm lucky that I get to hear the visitor conversations. It might be funny. Except I've never heard one yet. Not in my whole short stay at the prison. I strain my ears, in case tonight's my lucky night, but it's not.

I slump against the window, waiting for the next flash. A whole life sentence and nothing to do. No one will ever visit me. No one will talk to me again. It'll just be me and my thoughts. No wonder Bellatrix lestrange went so crazy...

"Madam, this isn't the usual. He's dangerous." I hear a voice say. Finally something interesting or even slightly entertaining. I peek out of the barred cell door and get a glimpse of the speaker. He's a guard of the prison, a highly trained auror. No one wants to work here, so those that do get paid very high. A few people risk it for the money. This is one of those people.

"He's my husband, I think it'll be fine." Replies a cold voice. The woman talking is pale, so pale that she seems to shine in the prison's darkness. Her hair long and blonde, trailing down her back and giving her the look of a drowned person. She wears fancy black robes, with a green trim. Icy blue eyes pierce the auror's dark ones, her expression desperate and pleading. "Please, I just want to see him." I see a tear on her cheek glistening in the next lightning flash.

Clearly hurt by her pained expression, the auror answers, "Death eaters aren't allowed vistors, just like murderers and dangerous criminals. I trust you know this."

"I'll give you anything. Pay you any price. Just let me see him." He eyes latch onto his, pleading with her heart and soul. She's willing to do anything, and those type of people are the most dangerous. The ones with ambition and passion are the people you have to look out for.

"Fine. This is a large price... I can't be doing this. You must tell no one of what I'm letting you do."

"Thank you." I hear a jingle of coins as the woman removes a large purse-size sack of galleons from her pocket. "Is this enough?"

The man sighs. "You're lucky you're rich enough to do what you wish Mrs. Malfoy."

"Yes," she agrees, "I am. Yet, it's him that made me that way."

"Your children? How are they- taking... this?" The auror asks. I sense they know each other. Or maybe they don't.

"My children are none of your concern." Her tone is snide and warning. She sounds threatening.

"Wait here Mrs. Malfoy," The man gestures to the visiting room, his tone hinting to his obvious dislike of being bossed around. "I'll send for your husband." Mrs. Malfoy enters the visiting room and the auror leaves her. He hurries away down the hall, presumably to get her husband.

Malfoy... I swear I've heard that name before. Then again, if he's a wealthy death eater I probably have. Malfoy, Malfoy, Malfoy... I don't think I know a Malfoy...

Another crack of thunder shakes the prison. I decide to count the seconds till the next flash while I wait. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven- Lightning flashes through the sky, splitting the murky blackness of the storm in half. The storm's seven miles away. Or is it seven hundred miles away? I rack my brain trying to remember the lightning counting trick my mother taught me. I was about three when she told me how to do it... that feels like a life time ago.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now