Luka: "Kitchen Drama"

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"You put him in Fred and George's old room?" Ron whines, "I want Harry to sleep with me."

"Yeah mom, if Harry pokes around he might explode knowing Fred and George's stuff." I joke grinning.

"Not helping Luka." Ron mumbles, but Ginny can't stop chuckling.

"He's probably right." Hermione says seriously, "considering the stuff in there."

"You have to ruin it." I grin. Ginny bursts into a fit of giggles as I make a weird face. I hear Fleur's voice in the hallway and quickly whisper, "look out Ginny, here comes phlegm." Then me and Ginny both mime vomiting over our cornflakes. Ron scowls.

"She's not that bad." He murmurs, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Ginny asks eagerly, clearly wanting to escape the incoming phlegm.

"Harry." Ron mumbles, and heads upstairs.

"He's going to see Harry isn't he? Why don't you go see your future husband? Wait... your wand isn't oak is it? Bad news Gin, you can't marry him. You know the old rhyme right? his wand's oak and her's is holly, then to marry would be folly. Oh but Harry's wand is holly so we need to find him an oak. To bad it's not you..." I tease.

"That's not funny." Ginny scolds, "you know that I have a crush on him."

"ooooh..." I taunt, "what if I tell him?"

"Don't you dare Luka Weasly!" she exclaims.

"Your not my mom." I answer laughing.

"He doesn't mean it." Hermione mutters.

"How would you know?" I ask amused.

"Yeah, even I can't tell what he means and doesn't mean," Ginny mutters, "Why do brothers have to be so confusing?"

"I wouldn't know, I've only got two sisters. Charlotte disappeared again, Isabal sent me a worried owl about it." Hermione says.

"I'm not wearing Harry's invisibility cloak am I?" I wonder cringing, not wanting to hear any weird girl stuff, "and what happened to your sister?"

"She went missing. Isabal's made up these crazy theories about her going skydiving or joining the death eaters and whatnot. I'm seriously worried. It's not good for her to be wandering around while he who must not be named is at large." Hermione stutters nervously.

"Oh come on, you know who cares so much about a muggle kid?" I mock, "What's he gonna care?"

"Luka, be serious! He does care and she's not a muggle, she got her Hogwarts letter this summer too! She already has a hawthorn wand and is pretty good with it!" Hermione shouts angrily.

"Wha is 'aping in 'ere?" Fleur asks, coming in.

"If she's so good you shouldn't be worried. Plus, you no poo isn't just going to show up and murder her." I laugh.

"You never know." Hermione whispers, walking up the stairs after Ron. Ginny runs after her clearly wanting to stay out of Fleur's way.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now