Nicole (S): "Secrets Have A Cost"

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I sit on a rickety arm-chair across from Severus, reading my new school textbooks. A knock sounds at the door. Severus gets up to answer the door. I hear the door creak open, and wonder who is there, but do not dare look up and see.

"Narcissa! What a pleasant surprise." Severus states.

"Severus," Narcissa whispers, her voice tired and strained. "May I speak to you, it's urgent."

"But of course." My adoptive father steps aside, allowing her to pass.

"Snape." Mutters a familiar voice.

"Bellatrix." His tone seems mocking, taunting her somehow. He leads them into the room and offers Narcissa Malfoy the couch next to me. She sits down, throws back her hood and looks mournfully at the floor. A great sadness or fear clouding her blue eyes.

"How can I help you?" Severus inquires as Bellatrix moves to stand beside her sister.

"Can you- do you trust her?" Narcissa asks glancing at me.

"My adopted daughter? Nicole's fine, I trust her no doubt more than you trust Madeline." He defends nodding at me. "What can I do for you?"

Narcissa nods and begins to explain. "Severus, I know I ought not to be here, I have been told not to say anything to anyone but-"

"Then you should not speak of this! Particularly with the present company!" Bellatrix interrupts.

 "Present company? And what am I meant to understand by that Bellatrix?" Severus questions, glancing at me.

"That not only is your 'adopted' girl here, but that I don't trust you Snape as you very well know!" He only smiles at Bellatrix's accusation and glances at Narcissa.

"And why is it that you do not trust me?" He inquires almost conversationally.

"A hundred reasons Snape! Where were you when the dark lord fell? Why didn't you try to find him when he vanished? What have you been doing all these years at Hogwarts working for Dumbledore? Why did you not arrive immediately when you felt the dark mark-"

"Let me ask you a question in turn. Do you really think, that the dark lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not been able to give satisfactory answers I would still be sitting here and talking to you?" Severus argues. I would like to be able to argue like that. I'm too shy, it just won't happen.

"I know he believes you but-"

"You think he is mistaken? Or that I have somehow hoodwinked him? Tricked the dark lord, the greatest wizard and most accomplished legilimens the world has ever seen?" Snape remarked. Bellatrix said nothing else, she seemed unsure of how to next attack Severus and looked away. "You shame him if you think I could have fooled him. You came to me for help Narcissa?" He turns to her.

"Yes, Severus, I think you are the only one who can help me, Lucius is in jail... I have no where else to turn." Narcissa whispered, tears trickling down her face. I feel strangely sorry for Narcissa at these words. It must have been terrible to have watched her husband be sentenced to jail.

"Don't be stupid Cissy," Bellatrix warns, "You don't need anyone. Draco isn't slinking away from this, or Madeline. Draco seems delighted at the prospect to prove himself and your worthless daughter is finally getting a purpose. Lucius is in jail at his own accord if he hadn't-"

"Don't you dare! Don't you dare blame my husband! Don't insult or speak for my family Bella!" I'm surprised by the deadliness of her tone, the passion to defend her family.

"You are fortunate that I do in fact know about the plan Narcissa, I am one of the few the dark lord has told. Had I not been in on the secret, you would be guilty of such treachery to the dark lord-"

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now