Author's Note

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Hello readers!

I don't know if any of you are still around after all these years but if you are epic and a true fan. I am kinda back? I really wanna write fanfiction again mainly because it helped my learn so much about writing fiction and helps me develop as a writer without going through a lot of world building. I quit before because I had people telling me that fanfiction isn't "real" writing and I wanted to put my writing efforts into my original story ideas (which I have loads of). I've kinda changed my mind about that. I'm too depressed to work on my own head and need a little help getting into writing again (fanfic is easier than original stuff because there's kinda already something to work with). Due to COVID-19 and my major depressive disorder (that's not just me seeking pity or something it's fact. Not that I need a diagnosis to be valid, but yes I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and had that verified by a second psychiatrist) I need something to occupy my time with that isn't dangerous or self harmful. I'm a high school senior now so my content may look different from my old stuff (when I was in elementary school).

First, I've changed a lot as a person, but second there's been some major changes to my personal friendships. My former writing partner and best friend @UnicornErica and I have kinda lost touch for various personal reasons (I won't go into it for her privacy's sake because it's not just my story to tell). As those of you who have read my stuff know, UnicornErica and I did a lot of our writing together, even eventually making our joint account @WriteMyUnicorn and splitting writing tasks. I was always more into the actual writing piece than she was, but she was the one who helped me bounce ideas/brainstorm as well as pressured me to write more parts because she'd want to find out what happened next. She also designed most of my covers and got me started in digital art. My story "Just Add Magic" also has a lot of mentions of her as well as holds a lot of content to do with a ship she made about me and a friend @lukaisawesome (plus my retaliation ship about her and our friend Joseph).

Basically a lot of my stuff is inspired or linked to my relationship with her (aka me being her cousin etc.) and the turn our relationship took makes some of that stuff awkward to write about (eg. It's weird writing warm and friendly stuff about her when we aren't talking anymore). You can still see some of her comments in my stories (they look like they are posted by a blank profile because the account that she posted them on has been deleted). It's a been a weird journey. I don't want to delete my old stuff the way Erica appears to have, but I will have to change some things up in order to keep writing.

I'm also considering rebooting "Just Add Magic" because I really like the story and had ideas for two different sequels. The characters in the story aren't really like the real life people I named them off, so I don't think it would be triggering to write about so long as I changed the names. I'd also like to remove some of the more minor characters that don't add to the story much. They basically are only in the story because some of my old classmates were like "omg I'd love to be in the story too". I also feel my portrayal of one girl (Nicole Lovegood) is a little cruel to the girl whose name I based it on. I really really minimized a lot of things about that person because I didn't like her in real life. I mean, none of the characters are anything like the real people, but that one really seems kinda like it could be offensive. I don't think I meant for it to be, but I kinda think it is. So I'd like to change that character's name for sure and maybe give them some nuance and depth. I kinda wanna do that for all the characters in that story. I'd probably end up removing the following characters because they don't really have narrative purpose: Veronica Lovegood (I might actually mesh some of her traits and her twin's to meld them into one person), Nicole Snape, Sasha McGonagall, Lottie Granger and Katelyn Umbridge (I had some hilarious comic relief planned for Katelyn but honestly she really has no narrative purpose). I also kinda started introducing a character called Cameron Dumbledore who I will also be removed from the story. I really want to develop proper voices and identities for these characters so that they don't all just sound the same too.

I'd love to know if anyone would be interested in a "Just Add Magic" reboot. If you like this story I'd recommend that one because I really love writing it and some of the characters are featured in this one.

TLDR: I've decided to come back to wattpad to do something productive with my depression and write fanfiction to develop as an author. I am considering rebooting my Harry Potter fanfic story "Just Add Magic" and would love to know if you guys are interested in such a reboot.

Thanks for showing any interest at all in my writing! I love growing and learning as a writer so your opinions and constructive criticism are welcome on all my stories! If you read my other stories you may see similar versions of this message on other stories, so I apologize for any overlap (writing this message was stressful and I didn't want to write new ones every time to explain more or less the same things).

Happy reading and good luck in this scary pandemic,


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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