Erica: "Abstract Rumors"

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We're meant to be in Madeline's room, waiting for you-know-who to be done with our mothers so we can leave for Diagon alley, yet Madeline insists on her usual habits... eavesdropping. If only I was upstairs painting... Then again, I'm as curious as my cousin. The death eaters have just left and now their leader is chatting privately with the meeting's hosts.

"Narcissa, you are showing a lack of faith." The snake like voice of you-know-who says, his voice a menacing whisper.

"I apologize- my lord- but- but- why?" Narcissa begs, her last three words doubtful and sorrow filled. "Why my- my- my children? P-P-Pl-please."

"Narcissa why your lack of trust?" He must be angry. He sounds it. "Why are you questioning me and my measures! I will not let you Malfoys fail again, not after what Lucius has done! He let them get caught Narcissa! HE WAS MEANT TO BE THE LEADER! Your husband is a failure!"

"W-What made you- Why did you-" Narcissa's voice quivers with fear. Madeline stares at me grimly, obvious worry present. Does you-know-who plan on using her and Draco? Why two kids when they have an army? Madeline's only eleven. I picture abstract art and can't help comparing it with this situation. Both things have a concept, a puzzle or question, just resting in our reach but unclear and impossible to understand. In some ways, Malfoys are like abstract art. Everyone knows basic things about them but they have feelings and messages that are impossible to understand. Everything feels so tied to art... or is art tied to everything else?

You-know-who's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "I need a child Narcissa. Someone who goes to Hogwarts." He's trying to explain, but something in his tone shows that he doesn't care. Why would the dark lord care?

"You have Lottie." Narcissa points out nervously.

"Charlotte?" Madeline mouths. I nod. Who else could that be? Charlotte will go to Hogwarts with us, plus that's her nickname. The name she prefers, but I couldn't think of her that way. This seems complex, more complex than Madeline's potions.

"Charlotte Granger? She's a mudblood. She's an insider to help us kill muggles nothing more. Besides, she'd be the first one I'd kill if I had to... Mudbloods aren't fit for this task, and besides, who better to show their worth than the daughter of Lucius Malfoy? The coward that lost us so much at the ministry? You realize that if Madeline fails she's dead, you're dead and he's dead?" We know you-know-who must be talking about Draco, he's in the room with them.

"My daughter is too- by all respect," Narcissa adds trying to be more cautious, "T-T-Too y-young, m-my lord."

"No, Serverus assures me that she's very gifted, probably more so than your son. Your daughter is a genius Narcissa." you-know-who says.

My mother laughs. I shiver. Her laugh is high pitched, odd, horrific and strange. This is the sound you'd expect someone evil to make. If mom isn't the definition of evil then the dark lord's a pussy cat. "A genius?" she laughed again at the idea, "That girl sits in her room all day surrounded by odd creatures and expensive potion ingredients. She isn't at all smart my lord. She rambles on about things she doesn't understand, she's rebellious and disobedient and never listens to reason. She may be trouble. She may be weird, but my niece definitely isn't a genius." Bellatrix laughed again. Why doesn't my mother believe that Madeline's capable? She is a potions genius, only, how did you-know-who know that?

"Says the mentally insane psychopath." Madeline mutters. Then she remembers that the crazy woman with curly black hair being mentioned is my mom.

"It's good." I mouth, "Just stop talking they'll catch us."

"I thought I heard something." Bellatrix mutters. There's silence for a bit. Then they're conversation continues. "Anyway my lord, what I'm saying is that she isn't capable." My mother has always hated Madeline.

"No, she isn't. That much I'm sure." You-Know-Who pauses, then says, "I want to speak to her Narcissa." My Aunt doesn't have a choice and she knows that. Narcissa sighs. Her footsteps echo across the floor of the drawing room. Madeline grabs my arm.

"We have to get to my room." Madeline mutters, pulling me up the fancy stairs. We sprint down several grand halls then find a dark oak door. Madeline grabs the bronze doorknob and yanks the door open. How she knows her way round such a huge manor is beyond me. I lived here for since I was one and still haven't figured it out. It's just too large and fancy for me. We flop down on the bed and Aunt Narcissa enters only a few minutes after. We didn't start up a conversation  or anything, so we must look suspicious. Narcissa's eyes narrow slightly. Suspicion never looks good on her.

"You girls have been here the whole time?" she asks.

"No mother." Madeline informs her, "We just got back from the kitchen." She points to some cups on her desk. "We needed a drink." I realize how smart that cover was. If she had said we hadn't left the room it would be harder to believe. "We going school supplies shopping yet mother?" Madeline inquires innocently.

"No Madeline, he wants to speak to you."

"The dark lord?" Madeline feigns surprise. "Me? What!"

Narcissa sighs, "Just come so we can get this over with."

"Umm- Okay?" Madeline gets up. How does she fake emotions and expressions so easily? How does one know what she really thinks? "See you in a sec Erica."

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