Charlotte: "Pranksters In Their Element"

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Following Madeline is no easy feat, however, it's something I have to do. I'm not doing it for that idiot Draco, but for myself, my master and our cause. She could ruin everything with one klutzy move.  I wonder what Miss Malfoy is up to so late at night.

Midnight chimes softly on the miniature clock atop the fireplace mantel as the flames die down to a slight flicker. Madeline grabs the robes she left drying on the couch and heads to the entrance of the common room. Where is that blood traitor going now? She ducks and heads through the hole in the wall, leaving the common room. So she's going to sneak out? That makes this her third time this week. I only decided to start following her now that I suspect she's meeting Luka each night. If she tells that blood traitor anything....

I glance through the glass walls in the Slytherin common room, which ends up with me staring into the eye of the giant squid. When we more a less live under water I don't get why no Slytherins ever worry about the walls breaking.

I follow Madeline, careful to keep a large distance between us. She doesn't seem nervous despite the fact that she's sneaking out. She uses constant shortcuts that I thought only Filch knew about, shortcuts I don't know about. Not that I know anything about shortcuts or passages; I just know they exist. Madeline starts avoiding people before I even notice them, obviously listening for footsteps more than using her sight. She must have amazing hearing.

We finally arrive at what seems to be Madeline's destination. She enters an empty classroom where the stupid red-headed idiot is. He'll be the reason that girl ruins everything. Madeline's not a bad person to be friends with, she's just not a smart person when it comes to secrets.

"Hey Madeline, you got it?" Luka asks.

"Picked it up during my potion's class. I left it to stew all morning, but it was still red when I got there so it should be fine. Got the first portion done?"

Luka smirks. "His hair will be bluer than the Ravenclaw common room."

Madeline smiles. "Good, so he'll be taking the hair potion to reverse it. The hard part will be how we put this one into the hair potion..."

"It'll be fine. We can do anything if we put our minds to it."

"Like our schoolwork?"

"Maybe not everything..." Luka grins.

Madeline laughs. "So I guess you had no trouble getting into his quarters?"

"Oh I had trouble. There are potions everywhere. One false move and I'd have had who-knows-what-liquid on my head. Snape was there too. Lucky that you gave me that invisibility potion or I would have been seen. That reminds me, you said we'd start creating our spell tonight."

Madeline's face falls. "I don't know how to make spells, so you're probably going to have to do the most work."

"Nah, it sounds pretty simple. We just have to concentrate and find words that describe what we're trying to do. We don't even need a wand motion, that's optional."

"To show off?"

"Yep basically," Luka changes his voice to an annoying squeak. "Look I'm amazing at spell making! I even have a signature wand motion!"

"You sound like Nicole Lovegood," Madeline informs him with a grin.

"Decoration is the most important thing in everything! Where's my perfume? Not pink enough..." Luka continues the squeaky voice, "OH MERLIN'S BEARD WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY HAIR!" They both laugh.

"Lottie would kill you. They're best friends, you know."

I don't have any friends. Just really close acquaintances. Nicole can think of me however she wants, as long as she doesn't expect me to care too much. She's not mudblood though, which is a plus.

"Lottie wouldn't hurt a fly," Luka argues, "She's too quiet. She just sits in corners plotting about unicorns or butterflies or something."

"Lottie would never plot about unicorns and butterflies. She's done things that would shock you."

"Like what?" Luka asks, "Never smiled? I'd believe that..."

"She's a de-" Madeline cuts off, realizing that she can't finish and say 'death eater' to Luka. "De-rama queen. Underneath all that."

"De-rama? What's that?" Luka teases.

"You know I meant drama."

"Maybe. Or maybe you meant something else..." He jokes. "A secret from your subconscious mind..."

"Ha Ha," Madeline mutters. Guilt flashes across her face for a second. Stupid girl, hide it!

"Madeline, what's wrong?"

"Nothing. Let's start making the spell."

I was right to stay around. This girl clearly can't control her tongue. Why is all the good blood wasted when people like me get stuck with muggle parents. Why did I end up a mudblood? The dark lord is wasting his time with Madeline. She's not as skilled as he thinks, useless with anything that doesn't involve potions or a broom. What can I do though? She'll tell eventually and I won't be able to do much. I can't undo most of the damage she could create.

"Are we sticking with the mind-disarming thing?" Luka asks. Bringing my attention back to them.

"Why not?" Madeline responds, "It would be another useful spell to add to the world of dueling."

Luka smiles. "Yeah. Temporary shut down of the mind, altogether it sounds cool."

"You said hand motions were optional right?" Madeline asks.

"Yep, why? Do you want us to have one?"

"A letter 'w' in the air would be cool," Madeline says. "If it's easy to do than why not?"

Luka smiles. "Okay, but why a 'w'? Why not an 'M' or even an 'L'?"

"'W' is the initial of your last name, which when flipped becomes the initial of my last name."

"I like it," Luka says with a grin.

"It's getting late. We want to allow time for at least an hour of actual sleep, tomorrow is a huge day. We have a complicated prank to execute."

Luka sighs. "I guess you're right."

"Let's both research possible incantations for our spell for next time. That's all we need to do before testing the spell, right?"

"Yeah," Luka agrees, "It is."

"Good. See you tomorrow?" Madeline smiles.

"You bet! Remember your nosebleed nugget."

"When have I ever forgotten?" She grins. "This will be the best thing ever."

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now