Luka: "The Opposite Prefects"

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I re-read the headline just to make sure I read it right. Malfoys sheltering escapist Bellatrix Lestrange? Then I try to regain my composure. Either Erica's lying or the newspaper is. I need to know who. Trying to forget the headline and focus on her reactions, I ask, "Erica is this true?" She looks at the ground.

"How could someone write something like that?" She whispers.

"So it's not true?" I inquire.

"What you think Lucius would- Narcissa would, sorry I... Lucius is in jail, Narcissa is distraught, how could someone spite us anymore!" The volume of her voice is increasing anger rippling through her. But she still hasn't answered my question. I decide not to press her. The article obviously shook her up. She looks like she's going to cry. "Mom out of jail... dad in jail- Aunt Narcissa... I don't know what to believe anymore." She stammers clearly upset.

"Hey it's good. People used to write bad things about my family too. How the Weasleys were poor and stupid how my dad was a muggle-obsessed lunatic. I know how that feels." I say trying to comfort her. I can't help but wonder when Madeline will get back. I think she knows her cousin better and this just feels awkward.

"We can't show this to her." Erica says.

"Madeline? But she's gone to get the Quibbler. Plus she deserves to know Erica." I say, shocked by Erica's words and obvious determination for her cousin not to see the article.

"She's got so much on her plate right now! Secrets she can't tell anyone not even me and she tells me everything!" Erica shouts, and I see a few tears leak from her eyes, "I can't make it worse I just can't Luka!" She rubs her eyes and breathes deeply trying to calm down. We wait a few minutes the tension building. Secrets? Why can't Madeline tell Erica things? "Sorry." Erica whispers, "It wasn't right for me to take that stuff out on you. My shouting won't help."

"We don't have to show her."

"She'll see anyway." Erica mutters, "Best get it over with."

"How do you know she has secrets?" I ask.

"She told me, or at least hinted to them. I don't know the details, but there's something she and Draco are planning, that they 'have' to do." She pauses. "Don't tell her I said that. Don't tell her that I'm worried about her."

"Don't worry, I won't."

The silence stretches on. Then after a few minutes, the compartment door opens. "Hey I'm back!" Madeline says heartily. "Erica, are you okay?" She picks up the article beside me before I can stop her. She sits down and reads it, not just the headline but everything else. Her expression is unreadable. "If... she reads this... I'm screwed." I don't like the malicious way Madeline says 'she'.

"Who your mom?" I ask feeling stupid. Madeline and Erica look at each other.

"We're friends right Luka?" Madeline asks surprising me. The question feels off-topic.

"Yeah, I'd love to be. Why?" I confirm.

"Friends tell each other things, right?" Madeline continues almost as if I had not answered her previous question.

"Yeah... I suppose..." I mutter, "Why?"

"Because there's something I need to tell you." Erica looks at Madeline warningly. "No Erica. I'm not keeping anymore secrets. He deserves to know. He shouldn't hang out with us without knowing all our baggage. And I mean all of it. All I can say and not say to anyone but you. I don't need more secrets." Madeline tells her cousin. Erica sighs then nods. As if giving her permission. "It's not a lie. Bellatrix does reside in our house. At least until she gets Grimwald place. Sirius had no children so it must go to her."

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