Madeline: "Classic Debates"

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"Where were you guys?" Erica asks in a whisper as we walk up the rutted path towards the castle. My chest flutters for a second. She will not approve. I need to tell her the truth though, I can't lie anymore than I must or I'll break.

"I was with Draco... they were-" I glance at Luka and Joseph, not sure wither they want me to say where they were. They might be embarrassed, plus do I really have the right to speak for them even if I gave them the idea of snooping around?

There's an awkward pause before Luka adds, "We were spying on them. Joseph and me." It's nice that he just says things. It's easier than me trying to explain.

"I gave them an invisibility potion and let them into the room." I tell my cousin, after noticing her confused look.

"How dare you guys!" She mutters, "Seriously... Why wasn't I invited?" Erica smiles and laughs at our shocked expressions. I guess I wasn't the only one that expected her to do and think the 'right' thing. I stare up at the castle. It's better than I expected, more wonderful than Draco described or could have described. Dark and looming, powerful and fancy. I feel at home just looking at the place. Joseph seems a bit more worried.

"Cool..." He whispers, "But how on earth will we not get lost?"

"I don't know. Draco manages though, so I suspect we can too."

Luka and Joseph both glance at one another and scowl at the mention of Draco. They obviously aren't going to forgive him for the fiasco on the train for a long time. I'm sure Luka's broken nose won't be forgotten too soon.

We enter the castle's giant oak front doors before many of the other first years. I guess it's nice to be at the front of the group, but being in a big group does make me nervous. When we get inside the castle I feel less confined. The spacious opening hall is beautiful and warmly lit by large torches. For once, I've found somewhere bigger than my father's manor house.

"Woah." Joseph mutters. I suddenly feel guilty. Here I am, so used to being in huge fancy places that I don't think it out of the ordinary to stand in a large castle. I don't know why, but that makes me feel guilty when I look at my new friends. I shake the thought away. It feels so evil and self absorbed. I would like to think that I have better thoughts than the ones I do have.

We follow the man that lead us across the lake up several long spiral staircases to a fancy pair of double doors. A woman bedecked in green stands in front of us. She begins to speak but I drown her out. Draco's already told me who she was and what she'd say. Professor McGonagall is going to explain all the stuff about Hogwarts houses to my deaf ears. The thought fills me with more guilt, but I ignore it and scan the crowd of first years that will be my fellow students. Lottie, Nicole, the other Nicole, Veronica, Cat and Isabal stand beside Katelyn, the girl I met on the train. I didn't quite meet her, it's more like she demanded to sit with us cause everywhere else was full. Don't judge people if they aren't here to defend themselves... yet it's hard to look at her and decide that she's a nice person. McGonagall says something about the ceremony beginning momentarily that snaps me back to reality as she leaves. The first years break into a flurry of talking.

"Madeline did you get a word of that?" Erica asks suspiciously.

"Nope not really. I knew what she'd say."

Joseph and Luka grin. "What so you 'politely disappeared to fairy world'?" Luka asks.

"Maybe." I admit, not really paying attention to them. Erica rolls her eyes.

"In other words 'yes, and I'm still not paying attention'," Erica retorts. "What are you looking at that's so important Madeline?"

"Katelyn and friends. Some how I feel like they've had an argument."

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now