Madeline: "Malfoy x Detention"

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I hurry down the aisle towards the prefect compartment. Draco must have done something. He must have. The train is quiet and empty, calm and serene except for me. I ruin the idea of calm, sprinting down the train. What could Draco have done? Can they move, are they hurt? Would they hear me if I start screaming? I pause, nearly slamming into the very compartment I'm looking for.

I open the door a crack. "Luka? Joseph? Are you still in here? Can you hear me? I'm here to help if you need it! The train won't leave till I'm off..." I listen but hear nothing. No response, no scuffle of movement. What if they can't move? I step forward, feeling the air with my hands out stretched. I must look stupid but if they're here I should be able to feel them. I hear a crunch as I step on something.

I kneel on the floor careful to avoid the fallen shape on the floor. The body of one of my friends, a friend I can't see... I hope they're okay. "Sorry. This is my fault." I whisper, "Let's get you out of here." I grab the thing I stepped on. An arm. Then I notice a soft feeling surrounding it, a silky fabric? It covers the arm I'm holding. Is that what makes him invisible? Is it Luka or Joseph that I'm holding? I try to ignore my own sea of questions and make a plan. They can't speak, otherwise they would of alerted me of their presence. They can't move, or they would have got up and done so. So then they must be-

My thoughts are cut off by a new development. Something I see flickering. A silhouette of a body, blinking at me from the corner of my eye. Joseph! My invisibility potion must have worn off. He becomes visible once more, sprawled on the floor, bruises forming on his hands. He's not unconscious, that's a good thing. Joseph's eyes seem to be frozen open, his face stuck in a surprised expression. I wonder if he feels embarrassed. He must be petrified. I pull my wand from my Hogwarts robes. I finger the wood carefully, staring at the design carved into the cherry wood. What was the spell to fix this? The spell doesn't come to mind. Think...

Wait I remember! I wave my wand and think the incantation, proud of my capabilities with non-verbal spells. Joseph stirs, stretching his previously frozen limbs. His hand rubs the bruises forming on his arm, and the gesture fills me with guilt. It's my fault that they ended up in this position.

"Could you have been any slower?" Joseph moans.

"Hey, I came."

"How long did you take? An hour?"

"Ten minutes. Sorry." I glance at the floor. Luka. "Joseph, we need to help Luka."

"Kay." Joseph crouches beside Luka and pulls off something. It looks like a cloak, silver and patterned. Luka's revealed as soon as it's removed. Terror streaks through me as I see blood. Lots of blood. "He's broke his nose. I don't know- How- Can you get him... unfrozen?" I nod and wave my wand once more.

"Joseph?" I ask, as Luka sits up and grabs his nose.


"Why'd you name a letter before?"

Joseph flushes slightly. "Gaming habit. It's easier to type 'k' than it is to type 'okay'. They mean the same thing."

"What's 'type'? What game is it, Quidditch? Oh! Do you play Quodpot the American game?" I question.

Luka sits up and watches Joseph as well. "So you guys talk about games when I'm on the ground? Give me the cloak  Joseph, I have to give it back to Harry."

"Sorry." We both mutter. This is my fault. I need to be a better friend. Maybe Draco's right, maybe I shouldn't tell them about any of this... They'll figure it out. They aren't stupid. Let them find out or tell them? It will sound way better coming from-

"Hey, Madeline Malfoy, you coming?" Joseph asks with a grin.

"Or do you want to switch places and lie here petrified while the train leaves." Luka jokes. He winces and grabs his nose as a fresh stream of blood trickles out his nostrils. "Gross." Then he grins. "You sure you can handle watching this disgusting part of the show? Are you okay with PG sixteen stuff?"

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now