Katelyn: "The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Tree"

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"They didn't invite me back to teach! In fact they complained! How dare they say that my methods were bad! I had to hand over my beautifully decorated office to Snape while my wonderful pink decorations and my cat plates were taken down! HOW DARE THEY!" Mom rants. I roll my eyes, but it's not like she's watching. She's too busy moaning. Shadow, my black cat slinks over, rubbing itself against my legs. I must feel pretty warm. Shadow moves to sit in my lap, and I let her.

"Mom," I finally say, "We have to get my wand and all that today. I have school. We're going now." I know I can be really bossy, but I get that from her. I'm a dictator, a natural leader.

"Katelyn Dolores Umbridge! You don't boss your mother around like that or you'll find yourself grounded! Get ready to go to Diagon Alley. I don't have time to take you so you will go with my secretary!" She commands. My mother must be in a foul mood.

"Mum... Seriously? I don't need a babysitter I'm eleven years old!" I insist, forgetting to keep my tone from sounding similar to hers. I keep having to remind myself that as my mom she can speak to me how she wants but I have to be respectful. Why should I be respectful though?

"There you go again with that tone! This is why your always in trouble! You will listen to me young lady and not the other way round!"

"Fine!" I yell, "I'll go with your stupid secretary!" With those words I storm off to my room. Sure I shouldn't have lost my temper but you try dealing with Dolores Jane Umbridge everyday. I reach the bedroom and slam the door behind me. I take deep breaths as people always tell me to. Deep breaths and count to ten. "One... Two... Three... TEN!!!" I shout, already irritated by the method. It doesn't help, just makes things worse. I hate math... I hate counting! How is this meant to help! I decide to glance round my room instead. I decorated my room without any help and paid for everything in it. I feel warm pride glow within me. I don't need my mother. I just need to manage for now.

This feels stupid. I love my mom, I don't have a dad. Suddenly pity and anger fills me. I'm angry with my dad. Why did he leave her? How could he? She was so young and insecure, counting on him and his money, his love, his protection. He left her! He left my mom alone to deal with me... Did he not want us? How could he do this to her! To me? How? Yet she managed. My mom was brave. Even if she is a bossy, sometimes jerky person. I love her, and she needs me. She just doesn't have time for me right now. She needs to get into her new ministry of magic job. I need to help and understand no matter how hard it is.

I sigh gazing round my room. The room isn't big but it's pink. Very pink. If your room's pink what could go wrong? Moving cat posters purr from every corner of the room. A large bed with pink and white sheets and a canopy of pink see-through fabric adds the finishing touches to a perfect room. My furniture is white because white goes well with pink, no matter the shade. I guess I did inherit a lot from my mother. A craving for leadership and order, along with a love of cats... and pink. I step over to my white closet. The closet is carved nicely with cat head knobs to open the doors. I open it, enjoying the scent of fresh clothes that seems to surge at me, almost overwhelming. I pick my clothes, a dark pink shirt with a black cat pattern, with dark black jeans to match. I bought hair chalk yesterday from a muggle store... time to see if it works. I apply the chalk to my hair, adding pink streaks. Then I look in the full length mirror on my wall to admire my handy-work.

The chalk looks okay. Probably would be better if my messy dark brown hair were blonde, but hey. I glance at my reflection again. I heard once that when we look in a mirror we see not as we are seen but what we want to see. Do others see... this? The short, brown-almost-black haired girl with brown eyes and freckled face? Or do they see something darker more sinister or sweeter more beautiful? What does my mother see? What do my friends see? Who am I to everyone else?

With these slightly dark thoughts in mind, I leave my room, ready to go with Mom's secretary. Ready to shop at diagon alley. Well, here goes nothing.

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