Amanda: "Strange Reactions"

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I watch Madeline Malfoy unfold the letter, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Somehow I don't trust that girl to hand the letter over. Malfoy's eyes widen with every word she reads. Luka and Joseph watch too, looking as dumbstruck as I feel.

Why would someone send Erica a letter that shocks her and her cousin so much? It maybe even scares them from what I can see. What was the writer's purpose?

Madeline's done reading at last.

"Well?" I ask, "Threatening?"

"Private." She corrects me snidely. "You can't read it."

"Why?" I retort, "I happen to be a school prefect."

"None of your business."

I hate Malfoys sometimes. She's technically related to me, Erica too. I have to look out for them, they're family. If only the stupid girl would get it. I shake the thought away.

"Give it to me Miss Malfoy as promised or you'll get another detention." I keep my voice sharp and firm. I need to read the letter. It's my duty. I need to help Erica feel better, figure out the problem and solve it.

Madeline stands tall and looks nervously at her cousin. Just like her brother, defiant and needing permission from friends before he can do anything. Getting a lot of detentions. I sigh. No wonder she's in Slytherin.

"No." She whispers weakly. She's watching Erica.

Erica doesn't want me to read it, judging by the look on her face. People barely ever want to show weakness, get help if they're being bullied. All the more reason to check the letter and make sure.

 "What did you say?" I ask Madeline Malfoy, giving her a chance to correct herself.

"No, you can't read it." She confirms, louder and more confident.

Different to her brother for once. The lousy idiot would do anything to get out of trouble. It seems she will not be persuaded so easily. I admire this quality despite the situation.

"One last chance," I say even though she doesn't deserve one. Joseph and Luka exchange a nervous glance. "Give me the letter or add another detention to your list of detentions. Do you want the school to write and inform your mother that you have had three detentions by the second day of school?"

She hesitates. Then smiles at Erica. Erica looks at me and nods, shaking. "It isn't worth another detention! Just give it to her." She looks like she may cry.

"Then she'll know about- about- her  and what she's  doing. Where she  is." With those words, Madeline rips the letter in half.

"No!" I make a dive for it. Too late. Madeline's hands keep tearing and tearing. Little bits of white paper and black letters flutter to the floor. Some brushed away by the movements of Gryffindor students trying to see what's up. I'll never read it now.

I turn to glare at her. The Gryffindor's fall silent to watch. They all know that I'm fair and stern. They also know that my temper is outmatched and not to get on my bad side. Breathe, Amanda, breathe. Calm down.

"Detention Miss Malfoy! Your mother will be written to." Then I walk away, trying to stay calm in front of all the Gryffindor eyes.

What did the letter contain? Why would Madeline rip it into shreds? And why, of all reactions that the letter could have triggered, did it trigger shock or fear?

My mind storms in fury, as questions blur my judgement.

(A Harry Potter Fanfiction) Just Add MagicWhere stories live. Discover now